Screen savers in Windows 10 - where do you download them?



Where can I download third-party screen savers on my desktop computer hard drive so I can run them in Windows 10? I lost most of my screen savers with a Windows reinstall a few months ago. The few remaining work just fine - so I know new ones can be downloaded. My problem is saving the .exe files to the proper subdirectory so the Screen Saver window in Control Panel can find them and display them in the pick list. The old ones are stored in C/Windows/SysWOW64, but I am unable to save new ones into that subdirectory. Says I need administrator permission. However, I am the administrator and only user of this home computer. Don't know if this is a new wrinkle.

MS Support no help on this one, not important to them. Surely others have beautiful third-party animated screen savers they wish to continue to run, and wish to augment with new ones. I am positive this can be done. Please?

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