Restoring Windows Media Player License Files in Windows 10



I have recently moved from using a Windows 7 machine to a Windows 10 machine. I have run all the updates I was prompted to run since setup.

I used an external hard drive to transfer my files, including my entire music library (99% of which has been ripped from CDs using Windows Media Player in Windows XP or 7). These will not play in the new Windows Media player, "an error occurred during playback". I've tried to play them in Groove Music and VLC as well, with similar errors occurring.

A bit of research suggests to me that this is because I need to restore the DRL protection licenses which were set to on by default when I originally ripped the files. However, all the help articles say to "go to the Tools menu" and then "license management" in Windows Media Player. I cannot find either of these things in the current Windows Media player in Windows 10. There is no longer Tools menu.

How can I restore my licenses? This is 300+ CDs worth of music, which would be an absolutely mammoth task to re-rip. A few of the CDs I no longer own (after a collapsing shelf damaged them) and I would prefer not to have to buy them all over again just because I have a new computer!

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