Multiple redundant files located in multiple redundant files!



The rundown:

I/We have multiple instances of language folders located throughout the computer. I/We want to have a "patch" that can replace them so that all the languages are located in one place and not "everywhere". Also the "patch" would need to make sure if "anything" is added to a language folder it would be directed to the "one folder". That folder should only be in system3! Not have multiple instances in almost every other folder... And yes I/we understand that many things may require "languages" but there should be a "patch folder" that redirects anything that needs to access the language folder so that there may be multiple instances of the "patch folder" located throughout, but only one "patch" in each location, instead of many separate "language folders".And (as redundant as I'm/we're about to sound) have the one "patch" redirect anything that references said "language" to the one folder located in the system32; where they are really located! Maybe even tidy the "language folders" up by putting them all in one folder called >> dun >> dun << dun << "LANGUAGES"! It could free up 2-3gb of space if not more ({[just saying.]}). All system files should be located in one place not strewn all over in every other file! Anything that has/ needs/ references/ updates/ uses/ ect... should be redirected to the "one said" folder/file/doc instead.. and this doesn't have to be just for the language folders but that's a great start!

So my/our real question is

Why hasn't this already been done? Or is Microsoft trying to be like G*****e and eat resources that it really doesn't need, and could be better put use? (It's what the "Search Indexer" is for! Putting files and folders in their proper places as well as "redirecting" operations to those places). Strewn about as it is, it overtaxes the indexer, making sure that all instances match, (not what it was meant for, and a waste of resources too).

It's almost as bad as the whole "APPDATA" ghost that if the user tries to "TAKEOWN" of the computer it will take 52+ hours because it repeats itself 500,000+ times due to that one "ghost folder" LOL. Which is why it was made by the way, to stop the user from having full complete access to their machine!

(Blame hackers if you want, only partially their fault, the rest lies with copyrights and the user "owning" a machine that's not in their name! Only some can understand that.)

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