My Windows 10 Laptop only allows me to use my headset mic when connected to the 'mono' audio quality (on my phone it works just fine with stereo)

  • Thread starter DennisKnausenberger
  • Start date


I now have already longer the problem, that my headsets are designed to give you the best audio and recording quality, but my laptop is only able to deal with one of them (either audio or recording) I have searched multiple times on google for a Solution for this problem:

I go to my bluetooth settings and add my new microphone.....

once completed, I can hear the audio just fine and in stunning stereo...

once i try to ue my built in Microphone of this newly connected Headset, then My Headset isnt playing any audio anymore (if i try to listen to music etc.)

instead what i have to do, is:

open the sound manager (the one there also is in win 7) 5ca5da29-a63a-47de-b807-0a5a1be5baf8?upload=true.png

and then there is (as one can see) A mono version of my headset.

Only by reading the name it has, i guessed right that somehow windows wants me to connect to headset via mono audio...

If I do that, then i can hear my music again BUT no, I is in Mono Audio quality and this sucks.

in the device manager, there is only one Audio Devicce listed for my headset:


I dont know how to fix this problem and it haunts me for too long already, please help!

here is my device list visible for the user:


here Is a list of all available audio sources on my laptop(input):


and here is a list of all devices that are listed for using audio (output)


I hope that somebody here knows the solution to this if you eed anything, just tell me!

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