Help with Windows 10 file structure, OneDrive, and moving files to SD card



I understand concepts of file and folder management but don't really understand the default folder structure that is automatically created when I initially set up the Surface Pro, especially as it relates to OneDrive. I have installed a new 512GB SD card in my Surface Pro and want to transfer all my documents and pictures to the SD card, as well as make it the default location for any new files that I create. The Documents and Pictures folders are currently in C:\Users\rosm2\OneDrive\ (took me a while to figure out where they are) so I assume it means that all these files reside in this folder and are synced to OneDrive.

How do I move everything to D:\ drive? I am unable to move the entire OneDrive folder or even just the Pictures folder because it tells me I don't have enough space on the C: drive to perform the operation (even though I'm selecting Move, not Copy) or gives me some other error message. If I move subfolders one at a time, how do I then set them up to be synced with OneDrive? Can I just create a OneDrive folder on the D: drive and move all the file folders into it or do I need to do something to set it up?

Hope I'm making myself clear. Although I've worked with previous Windows operating systems for a long time and have been using Windows 10 for a couple of years now I still have problems understanding the default file structure, as well as how "Libraries" tie in with file folders.

Thanks for any help.

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