Blue Screen - Caused by Driver ntoskrnl.exe



Hi I was hoping someone could analyse this mini dump and see if they could point me in the correct direction.

Almost a year ago I started to get BSODs on my previous PC, cause was nearly always Caused by Driver: ntoskrnl.exe, but the Bug Check String usually differed.

I spent may many months trying to resolve it, bought new memory, did some serious program and driver removal and tried very hard to narrow it down. Part of the issue was that it was very sporadic, occurring maybe once a week which meant that it was hard to see if changes had made any different.

Long story short, I gave up and bought a new motherboard and processor, and setup a new PC.

After running the new PC for about a month I have now had two BSOD in the last 3 days. Potentially the same cause. I'm very distraught :-(


Caused by Driver: ntoskrnl.exe

The only components that have carried over from the old PC are the power supply, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti, and then various peripherals such as mice and keyboards. It also contains a couple of the same drives as backup data drives, but the C: drive is a new NVMe SSD.

I had a complete reinstall of all software, but obviously many of the programs reinstalled will be the same as on the old system as I run most of the same software and drivers for the peripherals.

If anyone could take a look and hopefully point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.

At this time, I’ve tried nothing on the new PC to resolve it, I would prefer to get some advice on the correct direction first.

Note that on the old system I did try lots and lots of solutions listed on these forums, but it never worked for me and I don’t want to head off blindly like I did before.

Thanks in advance.


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