
This is a warning to everyone who downloaded the Windows Media Creation Tool and it wiped your hard drive and you are looking for help on the Microsoft forums. Skip to the very bottom to see how to actually contact microsoft and speak to a human.

After attempting to contact Microsoft for help for this issue through various places, the forums, going on the roundabout to contact Microsoft specifically, I was told that:

• microsoft was not actually aware that consumers have this problem because

• no one can know there is a problem with their product unless they hear feedback, but they don't hear it, because

• they don't actually check the microsoft forums, so anything posted in the forums falls onto blind eyes. For some reason they also don't read third party websites like news websites, technology websites.

This might be obvious to some but please don't rub salt into wounds - this is a warning for those who were not aware and trying to seek help via the forums. The process below has changed since, but in case anyone is not aware of the change:

Microsoft keeps telling me the best way to contact them is via phone or live chat. When I first had problems I needed to contact them for, their 'contact us" section was a roundabout process whereby you had to click on a selection "which of the following best describes your problem" link, then a new page telling you "does one of these articles answer your question?". There was a specific combination of clicks that leads to you to finally being able to send an email where you can type freely.

There is also live chat, but when I first tried used it, I think it was never available or something, which is why I turned to the forums.

After many attempts to contact them, I got a call back from microsoft today and they told me that they don't provide support in the forums (ie they don't read it) and was not aware of the damage the WMCT and windows upgrades were doing (I have found cries for help from since 2015) until I told them this month (REALLY. THEY DON'T READ THE NEWS?), and the best way to contact them is via the (I assume it must be now updated) contact us section and live chat, where you can contact a human with your problem.

So, don't post in the microsoft forums if you have a truly big issue that you need help with. It will fall on to deaf ears and you'd be wasting time and hope, waiting for an answer that will never come.

How to contact and get a reply:

What I suggest you do instead
is, use their new live chat function first, this will generate a case ID. Tell them your complaint via chat, then submit another enquiry via this link:

to further send feedback. This form requires you to put in a case ID, use the case ID you just got from the live chat.

Then complain to your heart's content. The form says they can't reply to everyone, but I asked for a reply and they called me back.

I told microsoft to create a tool to undo the damage that WMCT has done and they said they will 'take on board the feedback'.

If everyone with the same issue (WMCT wiping their hard drives) contacted them and demanded the same, we might get some action going.

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