Simple question about Wake On Lan


I'm in the process of setting up a Wake On LAN setup using an older pc and an external hdd to be used for backups and such. My question is, do both pc's have to be connected to a router by Ethernet cable? My original plan was to do it completely wireless, because stationed where I want to keep them there is no way to connect to an Ethernet cable. So when I first read there had to be a cable I thought it just meant the receiving pc. But I got to thinking maybe it was both pc's, if that's the case I'm out of luck, because I can get the receiving pc next to the router, but my main pc, I would have to get up and walk to the far end of the house to get to the router.

Would there be a better way to set this up, so I could go wireless, and still do a sleeping receiver pc, until woke up by this pc. I mean even if I need to go ahead and keep the receiver here where I originally wanted to, and then have to get up and manually turn the receiver on and off, then do my data transfer, as long as I can establish a good network connection every time. I've had that problem before it worked good the first two or thee times, and then could not connect the pc's by network. They both showed parts of the network, but not each other so they would not connect, so no data transfer. I swear Windows 95 through W XP networking was easy, starting with w 7, networking hit a brick wall and still today trying to establish a network that reconnects every time the pc wakes up, is basically impossible..

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