Inaccessible folder in C:\Windows\Temp



There's a folder in C:\Windows\Temp named {B7E977B5-9799-4D8C-AEB6-4694B3C310A9} that is accessible. i like to keep temp folders clear to free up valuable, limited space on my lap top.

When attempting to access this folder i get: "You don't currently have permission to access this folder. Click Continue to permanently get access to this folder."

When clicking Continue i get: "You have been denied permission to access this folder. To gain access to this folder you will need to use the security tab."

The security tab is blank except for "You must have Read permission to view the properties of this object.

Click Advanced to continue" and "For special permissions or advanced settings, click Advanced." and the Advanced button.

When i click on Advanced i get the regular Advanced settings window, but it shows the same as the security tab:

"You must have Read permission to view the properties of this object." Also it shows:"Click Continue to attempt the operations with administrative permissions"

Clicking Continues makes the window go blank except for the file location up top and the statement "You do not have permission to view or edit this object's permission settings."

If i reopen the window and click the "change" button in the Owner section up top, i get the same message.

i have tried getting rid of this folder using everything i can think of (and i can think of a lot!) including trying to delete it using an elevated command prompt and DOS. Short of formatting the HDD i can't find any way to delete it.

i am highly security conscious and have literally wasted days on this, as well as scouring the internet for a solution.

i consider myself a pretty savvy user and am comfortable functioning in the registry, DOS, Command Prompt and the CMOS and though i'd appreciate your help, please don't ask questions like: "Have you tried rebooting your computer?"

Thanks in advance for your time.

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