My Computer is having various issues even after a full wipe and reinstall of windows 10. application black screens, broken task bar,



I built my pc around 9 months ago and there were no noticeable issues until around Christmas time. One day while I was playing games all of the programs (not the pc itself) black screened. Nothing occurred for the rest of the day. The next day when I booted the pc the log took forever (still a problem) and the taskbar was empty. When I click the windows icon with my mouse the screen flashes then the icons reappear and all of my start-up programs begin to launch. I continued to use it dealing with these issues for about two before one day I was in a game and the computer crashed. I was then presented with a blue screen of death error critical process and tried various ways to get the pc to work (was able to boot into safe mode but could find no issues). I ended resorting to a last-ditch effort of wiping my drives and reinstalling windows. It worked seamlessly for around two weeks before the same issues started to occur again. Also, this time after the glitches started to occur again, now programs have started to take a very long time to load, especially google chrome. My suspicion is that it may have something to do with the drives, but the software I tried to check them with found no issues. I also attempted to reinstall the graphics drivers which neither made the situation worse or better. specs are ryzen 7 3800x RTX 2070 super 32 GB of ram at 3200mgh. any help would be greatly appreciated before the pc becomes unusable. sorry for the bad English.

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