Clarification on state of Windows 10 Pro digital licence.




This is a follow on question from a post I made yesterday concerning issues with transferring a Windows 10 Pro digital licence. I'm hoping to get clarification on the true state of my licence.

In 2009 I bought a retail copy of Windows 7 for a new build PC. I still have the original CD and receipt from Amazon.
I upgraded to Windows 10 when it was was released. This was using the free upgrade offered by Microsoft at the time.
In 2017 I upgraded to Windows 10 Pro. This became a digital licence linked to my Microsoft account and shows under my account billing.

I am now trying to transfer this digital licence to a new PC. On the old PC the slmgr -dli command showed my licence as Retail so, according to all information I have previously seen, it should be transferrable.

The process to transfer the licence failed miserably, and a long conversation with a Microsoft agent left me perplexed and confused. They said that my licence is now classed as OEM, even though it shows as Retail. They were unable to state why this is so.

I have found a post on this forum made by an MVP in 2015 which appears to matches my situation, and implies that my licence should still be retail and transferable to another PC.

If anyone can give me an explanation, I'd be very grateful.

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