Having some problems accessing files/folders on an external harddrive.

  • Thread starter Willem-Jan van Strien
  • Start date

Willem-Jan van Strien

I recently bought two external HDD's to start backing up my files to (photos, clips, etc).

When I got them I formatted them both (on NTFS) from the W10 pc.

I got all my old drives and backing up everything to one of the new ones (the other one is meant as a secondary backup) on my W10 laptop. After two nights of this, I spent an evening sorting through files when the drive was hooked up to my W10 laptop. I then backed that one up to the second new drive.

The next evening I hooked it up to my W10 laptop and got an error.

'You don't currently have permission to access this folder'.

This happened on all the folders. I also got a second error.

'The Recycle Bin on E:\ is corrupted. Do you want to empty the Recycle Bin for this device?'

As it was late I went upstairs and hooked the thing up to my W10 pc. I had the same problems there and looked for solutions.

I solved the first problem by adding 'everyone' to the drive properties' security tab and giving them 'full control'. I solved the second by running 'rd /s /q E:\$Recycle.bin' via Cmd.exe in administrator mode.

After that the drive worked again.

The following day I hooked it up to my W10 laptop and the accessing errors still there. 'Everyone' was still in the security tab with properties set to full control. Nothing I did on the laptop worked though.

The problems were gone on my W10 pc.

Another day later I hooked it up to my W7 laptop and couldn't access it there either. I hooked it up to the W10 pc and the problems were back there as well. I removed 'everyone' and put them back with full control. Then I got a new error when trying to open files:

'Error Applying Security

An error occurred while applying security information to:

<File location + file name>

Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied.'

I ran antimalware software (Malware Bytes' Antimalware) and virus software (Avast). Set both to scan the best they could and neither found a thing.

Do you have a solution?

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