Erratic Windows Behavior- Multiple restarts of browser sessions and what appears to be keyboard and mouse shadowing and replay



Very frustrating experience over the last 3 days. Surface Pro 7 with Windows 10 installed and all updates applied. Starting 3 days ago the system will attempt to launch multiple browser instances (Edge or Chrome) and attempt to install/reinstall Office 365 components (which were already installed. Mouse and keyboard actions will operate on their own repeating past actions such as opening apps, setting display settings, relocating the task bar. Multiple process instances running concurrently in task manager cause the windows to freeze up. Have completed the following tasks to no avail:

  • Ran multiple anti-virus and malware scans which found no issues at all
  • Full scan with MSFT malicious software removal tool. Ran for 3 hours and found no issues. As soon as it stopped, behavior above began again with multiple undirected attempts to install yammer, msft teams, onenote and outlook
  • Removed all personal applications
  • Executed a complete cloud reset
  • Unable to login to Microsoft account from that PC this morning.

At wits currently running another reset from local files and removing all personal data

Anyone else have similar experiences?


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