Remote Desktop: Error code 05x519 on a home network between personal PC and work laptop




Like many of us these days I'm working from home. I'm looking to access my work laptop on my personal PC via Remote Desktop on Windows 10 on a home network. Both the work laptop and my personal PC are at home, on the same desk, but I'd like to close the laptop and put it away to save some desk space while having the added convenience of using only one monitor/keyboard/mouse setup for both systems.

Both the personal PC and the work laptop have hardwired ethernet connections to my modem, although this issue persists even when the laptop is on Wi-fi, so I don't think this is connection related.

Both computers are running Windows 10.

The Problem:

From my personal PC, I'm only able to access the work laptop on Remote Desktop if I log into it first (like, physically logging in on the actual laptop). Once I have logged into the work laptop, I can then log into it via Remote Desktop on my personal PC. Once I have connected, the connection works flawlessly, which is great - but I'd obviously like to remove the inconvenience of opening the laptop and logging in just to "allow" my personal PC remote access (and yes, I've ensured that closing the laptop does not put it to sleep or anything).

If I don't log into the laptop first, I get the following error when attempting to connect from my personal PC:


Couldn't connect.

Your password may have expired or the remote PC might not accept blank passwords. Try connecting again. If this keeps happening, ask your admin or tech support for help.

Error code: 0x519

Extended error code: 0x0

Activity ID: {fd9ec1f4-2dee-451f-a3d6-f232cf0a0000}


Any help and ideas would be much appreciated. I'm happy to provide any details that might be needed to provide a diagnosis/solution. Thanks in advance!

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