Win 10 slow boot - disbale HDD until need / windows fully loaded




Issue description:

Win 10 boot time is slow (about 35-40 sec) when additional HDDs are connected (Win loading splash screen until login).

Booting with only the OS SSD takes about 5 seconds (splash screen until login). So clearly the HDDs are slowing down the boot process.

When booting, as soon as hitting the win 10 splash loading screen, i clearly hear the HDD spindles starting up. Not sure why windows needs the HDDs during boot.

The same HDDs + SSD with the same setup worked fine without boot issues on another client pc, i just moved them to new hardware.


1x SSD (M2. NVMe) - OS (the only active volume)


2x 2TB SATA HDD Mirrowed

Windows 10 Ent. Edt. 64bit 2020H2 (fresh install, no additional software beside, drivers/chipset)

Configurations / trial an error:

- removed all other boot devices from BIOS boot options

- BIOS fast boot option enabled

- BIOS update

- fresh Win 10 installation (installed while all drives were connected, no programs on any of the HDDs)

- tried different SATA ports

- performed chkdisk /F /R on all HDDs

- disabled "Allow files on this drive to have contents indexed" for all HDDs

- ensured nothing from the HDDs is in the indexed ("Indexing Options") + rebuild index

- checked with diskpart that there are no other active volumes

- checked Power Settings

- checked msconfig (boot & services) config. nothing really there on a fresh installation

- checked devmgmt.msc no issues there (but i noticed that the 4TB is also listed under "Portable Devices" which is weird)

- checked diskmgmt.msc, all looks good here as well.

- checked eventvwr for any issues / errors during startup (system / application log) (clean shutdown and boot)

- ensured HDDs sources are not part of any Quick access in explorer

- same behavior for shutdown -> boot, or restart.

- some hours of googling and reading...

So here i am, running out of ideas.

Is there any way to prevent the HDDs from spinning up until windows is fully loaded?

Or having some kind of default sleep mode and only wake up whenever they are needed the first time? Because once windows is loaded, the HDDs are definitly not in sleep mode as they are instantaneously available (not just the thumbprint / index, but actually reading writing works without spinn up).

Any other ideas?

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