BSOD WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR and black screening during certain games.



I asked about this previously but forgot to reply as i was busy. sorry. I'm making a new one because the other one is almost 2 months old.

old thread: BSOD WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR Can't Seem To Fix.

OLD Memdump: MEMORYold.DMP

New Memdump: MEMORY.DMP

DxDiag: DxDiag.txt

Anyway i am facing problems similarly described in that thread. BSOD: WHEA_Uncrorrectable_error as well as black screens happening while playing certain games (ATM they are Rimworld, Battletech, Kenshi).

I have tried reseating all components as well as re-installing windows but nothing helps.

can i get a final opinion? I'm starting to think it is my motherboard as it is a fairly uncommon brand and all other components survived their individual stress tests (memtest, intel processor diag., Heaven Benchmark test).

I should point out that this only happens with certain games (i think at this point they are all unity games?).
other programs that are processor or GPU intensive like total war, hearts of iron and even processing video in sony vegas do not crash.

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