NT4 NTFS Versions



re earlier thread i checked my win-NT4
NTFS version
(i never did service pack 4 just 3,5,6a)

(instructions for using dskprobe to determine
NTFS version - makes brain surgery or
rocket science seem trivial)

2nd line after the 70 line was 01 02
so my NTFS is still 1.2 ??

these might help?
NTFSCHK - run win-2000 chkdsk from NT4

change NTFS from win-2000 version back
to NT4 version:

(posted from Win-NT4
Install date: 1997/05/31, 22:21:08)

:rod-t sacramento

John John

nt4-ever wrote:
> re earlier thread i checked my win-NT4
> NTFS version
> (i never did service pack 4 just 3,5,6a)

Service Packs are cumulative, each successive pack contains earlier
packs. So if you installed SP5 or SP6a you have in fact installed SP4.

> http://thinkpads.com/WinXP_Comments1.htm
> (instructions for using dskprobe to determine
> NTFS version - makes brain surgery or
> rocket science seem trivial)
> 2nd line after the 70 line was 01 02
> so my NTFS is still 1.2 ??

That would confirm my suspicions that there are errors in KB872952 (
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/872952 ), the article states:

"When you apply Service Pack 4 (SP4) to Windows NT 4.0, NTFS is upgraded
to the version of NTFS that is used in Microsoft Windows 2000 and in
later versions of Windows."

Yet, in another article ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310749 ) there
appears to be contradictory or inconsistent information:

"The version of NTFS included with Windows XP cannot be interpreted
correctly by Windows NT 4.0. However, there is an updated Ntfs.sys
driver in Windows NT 4.0 SP4 that enables Windows NT 4.0 to read from
and write to NTFS volumes in Windows XP"

No mention there that the actual file system is changed by SP4, simply a
mention of an upgraded ntfs driver. These two articles appear to offer
different or inconsistent information and your findings also appear to
contradict kb872952.

> these might help?
> NTFSCHK - run win-2000 chkdsk from NT4
> http://web.archive.org/web/20060819014420/www.sysinternals.com/Utilities/NtfsChk.html
> change NTFS from win-2000 version back
> to NT4 version:
> http://www.vamos.de/english/bootman2.html#zu_w2
> ftp://ftp.vamos.de/pub/vamos/Mark4NTFS.zip

While simply masquerading NTFS v3.x as v1.2 may allow the NT4 version of
chkdsk to run, that may offer false security. The NT4 chkdsk version
simply cannot properly repair NTFS 3.x, the Sysinternal solution or the
hotfix offered by Microsoft would be preferable. If one were to call
Microsoft I wonder if they would be able to get the hotfix. No harm in
trying I guess.



John wrote:
> Service Packs are cumulative, each successive pack contains earlier
> packs. So if you installed SP5 or SP6a you have in fact installed SP4.

so i wanted to partly refute Your statement so found
the 'Fix List' for Service Pack 5 (SP5) where in QKB
225037, 244974 (use:
http://support.microsoft.com/?id= Q-number)
they list 27 Fixes for Features introduced in SP4
(search for: pack4 "pack 4" sp4)

and to show you the section in the SP4 readme
file where they introduce the ability to read/write
NT5/win2000 NTFS volumes: Quote:

4.3 NTFS Version 4 and NTFS Version 5 Support
This Service Pack contains an updated version of
NTFS.sys that can also read NTFS 5 volumes.
When mounting an NTFS 5.0 volume under
Windows NT 4.0 SP4, NTFS 5.0 features are
unavailable and chkdsk can't be performed
against the volume.

from 1998/10/15. In case you cannot access my
C: drive i googled for QKB 194507


ALL were truncated at item number 3.10 !!!
but the full version is here:

:rod-t sacramento

John John

I'm not sure what it is that you are trying to say. I stated that
Service Packs are cumulative, article
http://support.microsoft.com/?id=225037 says exactly that:

"This article is part one of a current listing of the article numbers
for bugs that were fixed in Service Pack 5 for Windows NT 4.0. Service
packs are cumulative. This means that the bugs fixed in a service pack
are also fixed in subsequent service packs."

It goes without saying that if a fixes introduced in an earlier Service
Pack prove to cause problems or to not completely fix the problem it
addressed, then it only makes sense that it would be addressed again and
replaced in subsequent packs. It is no surprise that SP5 fixes certain
deficient fixes found in SP4.

As for section 4.3 of the SP4 Readme file, it says exactly what I said
earlier, so I'm not sure what we should see there that wasn't already


nt4-ever wrote:

> John wrote:
>>Service Packs are cumulative, each successive pack contains earlier
>>packs. So if you installed SP5 or SP6a you have in fact installed SP4.

> so i wanted to partly refute Your statement so found
> the 'Fix List' for Service Pack 5 (SP5) where in QKB
> 225037, 244974 (use:
> http://support.microsoft.com/?id= Q-number)
> they list 27 Fixes for Features introduced in SP4
> (search for: pack4 "pack 4" sp4)
> and to show you the section in the SP4 readme
> file where they introduce the ability to read/write
> NT5/win2000 NTFS volumes: Quote:
> 4.3 NTFS Version 4 and NTFS Version 5 Support
> This Service Pack contains an updated version of
> NTFS.sys that can also read NTFS 5 volumes.
> When mounting an NTFS 5.0 volume under
> Windows NT 4.0 SP4, NTFS 5.0 features are
> unavailable and chkdsk can't be performed
> against the volume.
> file:C:\Winlcl\Docs\Service_Packs\SP4\ServicePack4_Readme.txt
> from 1998/10/15. In case you cannot access my
> C: drive i googled for QKB 194507
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/194507
> http://support.microsoft.com/?id=194507
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/194507/EN-US/
> http://web.archive.org/web/20050216030055/http://support.microsoft.com/kb\/194507/EN-US/
> ALL were truncated at item number 3.10 !!!
> but the full version is here:
> http://www.jsifaq.com/SF/Tips/Tip.aspx?id=0781
> :rod-t sacramento


On Jul 23, 5:48 pm, John John <audetw...@nbnet.nb.ca> wrote:
> I'm not sure what it is that you are trying to say.
> John

For some reason
lists Jul 19 as last post to this thread ..
so i never saw your reply until in Netscape 3.03
in news i saw your reply.

I think the point i was trying to make was
that after Breaking something in a Service
Pack/HotFix that ms sometimes fixed it later.
(But often Not eg after they broke cmd.exe
regedit.exe wordpad.exe etc etc they Never
bothered to fix them)

BTW i have the QKB872952 hotfix with a
working password if someone really needs it.
(since chkdsk has worked fine here since
1997 - i suspect someone had a NT4 disk
that NT5/2000/xp converted to the NTFS
version 3.0/3.1 that the NT4 chkdsk
could not handle -- and then they convinced ms
to provide a patch -- imho)

:rod-t sacramento


Hi Rod,

could you be so kind as to disclose the password - I have the .exe
hotfix archive, but of course, without the password it is useless to me.

I wasn't planning to implement the patch at this stage, but in the
interests of completeness, I'd like a working copy in the collection here.



On Jul 31, 7:09 pm, Calvin <nos...@spamcop.net> wrote:
> Hi Rod,
> could you be so kind as to disclose the password - I have the .exe
> hotfix archive, but of course, without the password it is useless to me.
> Calvin.

Of Course Calvin -- but since they change
the password every 7 days ... your version
most likely will not accept the latest

If you have a url i can upload it to ?
(i made the password part of the filename
so i would not forget)
or if you would rather i will put it
up on my homepage and email the
url to you?



Hi Rod,

Whack it up on your website (somewhere private I presume ?) and email me
a URL thanks.

nt4-ever wrote:
> Of Course Calvin -- but since they change
> the password every 7 days ... your version
> most likely will not accept the latest
> password.

Ahh - I had forgotten about that - what a pain they are ! Why don't
Microsoft just publish the hotfix like all the others and be done with it ??

Microsoft - ARGGGHHH !!!


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