Windows 10 Title Bar Font in RDP



I have had this problem intermittently that drives me crazy. I have a remote machine we'll call "A" that is running Windows 10 it has 3 displays all of the same resolution. If I use RDP to get into that machine from another Windows 10 machine "B" with a screen of the same resolution as "A" (actually the exact same model of monitor) everything seems fine. However if I get disconnected sometimes when I connect back to the "A" from "B" the font on the title bar on some applications is now huge compared to what it was.

If I logoff or reboot "A" then connect again the font is back to normal. I first noticed this occuring when I used RDP on a Mac Book Pro (Retina) to connect to "A" and I assumed it was a DPI mismatch but this problem occurs even if I haven't connected from the Mac. It also seems to run in streaks, for example about a month ago this happened every single day for a few weeks then it "magically" went away". Now it's back. This issue has also persisted across multiple updates of all machines involved and their applicaitons.

This problem only seems to affect the title bar on windows, no other fonts are changed as far as I've noticed and the actual functioning of the system is fine. One other thing; if I physically got to "A" and unlock it the title bar font remains big until I logout or reboot so whatever is triggering it is actually changing the font on the fly from the built in RDP server.

I know it seems like a simple, silly thing but the font ends up being close to 20pts and it's very distracting.

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