Add/Remove Apps & Programs and Features not showing all apps after Uninstall of Logitech Software


Anirudh Ram

I wanted to get my Logitech Quick Cam Chat working with my windows 10 pc. I plugged the webcam in and went to the Logitech website to install the latest driver program (LWS 2.80) from this link:

During install I chose install drivers only (unchecked webcam programs). However, after finding out that the webcam didn't work I just wanted to uninstall the program and continue to work without the external webcam. When I went to uninstall the Logitech software listed on Programs and Features in Control Panel it gave me an error saying that the program did not uninstall correctly. When I clicked to remove the program the second time, the Programs and Features screen refreshed and I could see that most of my programs that were there before went missing (Logitech Entry disappeared and uninstalled successfully). Control Panel is tallying up 33 programs now when I have over 83 programs installed. The Add/Remove Apps also do not show all the apps now. I have tried reinstalling and uninstalling the Logitech software to see if it worked. No luck.

I also tried doing a system restore to an earlier point and it doesn't seem to work because a OneDrive file seems to be preventing the restore from completing successfully.

I am able to see programs such as Autohotkey, Visual Studio Installer, Autocad, etc... but I'm not able to see programs like Microsoft Edge, Arduino, One Drive, Visual Studio Community 19, Mixcraft, and all C++ Distributable packages that I am sure were displayed before this problem.

I'm thinking this has something to do with a registry that Logitech probably corrupted on Uninstall.

Please let me know how I can fix this. I would want to keep installing windows a a very very last resort option.

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