I have some questions



Not a problem with any apps on my pc or my phone but I would like to ask you some questions, some might be off-topic but before I begin, suppose you made QnA video on Facebook or YouTube, remind me when it's time.

Okay, let's begin with:

1 How are the projects going ?

I mean after watching some videos, artificial intelligence can be a double-edged weapon though it can be helpful during covid-19. One time on TV, I saw a robotic waiter available in Russia and this can guarantee health and safety wherever the customers are so that they are less likely to get infected as long as they abide by the precautions. I sense this is a new beginning of a new generation named "The Rise of AI". With more facilities in 30 years' time, nearly everything will be AI-related and the patients should suffer less using artificial limbs.

Also, I have already seen a video about making a kind of environment-friendly console which lacks carbon dioxide and any harmful gases and greenhouse effects. Today, technology is indispensable to everyone and we need it in daily life but the most important thing is to take into consideration regarding the environment. By using renewable sources of energy and environment-friendly items, technology should do less harm to the environment than usual. I hope there will be more to find out.

2 Might be similar to 1 but how is windows 10x going ?

While it won't replace windows 10, I hope it can support any devices not just dual screen ones as well as various apps and win32 systems.

3 Have you ever sold windows merchandise or something like that ?

I mean windows xp merch, windows 7 cap and so on. If conditions become favourable, I would like to get some items which contain windows logo plus the backgrounds like bliss. Imagine having windows outfit with school tools, medals and figures, that would be pretty amusing even windows xp face mask, don't you think ?

4 Will every windows 7 feature come on windows 10 ?

If so, then I missed aero theme and I want it back even if Aero10 (lone operating system) exists as well as LTSC and tiny version. How about a modified version of windows xp bliss when it's time to celebrate windows 10 6th birthday ? It gives me sense of harmony every time I remember windows xp. I have downloaded a countless images of every operating system, so I can keep them for my memories or set one of them as my device background or pc because why not ?

5 Whatever happened to Bill Gates ?

6 Is there a hope to revive windows phones ?

It's a shame that it didn't end up successfully unlike iOS and android, not to mention that I missed the old times with Nokia, Ericsson and BlackBerry phones. There were a group of operating systems competing each other but now there are 2, 3 if you count Linux phones. By the way, android is technically based on Linux units yet both are rivals and the latter is trying to outshine both iOS and android. Windows phones could be revived easily by modifying the user interface, making the apps useable and available like every apple and android device so that they can be worth it and much more interesting.

7 I know I have already mentioned this, will every windows game be playable on mobile devices ?

Yesterday was the first day to play mahjong on my phone and I enjoy playing it. Now there are 4 of your games for phones and coincidentally they belong to windows 8.x/10, so what about reversi, minesweeper, purble place, chess titans, 3d pinball and others ? I know it's difficult to make it happen, that could act as a placeholder in case of lacking PC. It's not conditional to add achievements, daily challenges and more elements to make them more entertaining but the most important is to restore nostalgia.

8 Might be similar to 7 but speaking of mobile games, I have recently heard of project latte in which mobile apps will be playable on windows 10 without relying on emulators. How is it going ? And is it okay to ask you to add more games on Microsoft store even if they are from other developers ?

Let me remind you that I play cookie run games on my phone but due to lack of optimisation and storage, I would like to see them playable on PC for better performance and maybe it could be a lifesaver if someone has on old or incompatible phone to play such games. For some reasons, there are complex games working normally on old phones or non-descent ones but when it comes to cookie run kingdom, it's another story. It's nearly unplayable on android phones not even android 10 or 11 list it. How about adding progressbar game even if it's available on stream ? It's like playing with operating systems and it gives nostalgia.

9 Will there be special events, something like collaboration or giveaways ?

10 What's your favourite colour ?

I assume you love blue, right ? It's said that blue is the most favourite colour to many people and it's more noticeable especially when I play some games even in any operating system. As of windows 1.0, the title screen is blue, windows 3.0 is purple as well as windows 8.x, windows 3.1 is turquoise as well as windows 9x desktop backgrounds plus the boot-up screens of windows 9x until windows 10 have blue shades. Coincidentally, it's my favourite colour.

11 What's your favourite operating system ?

To me, it's windows xp and 7.

12 What kind of instruments did you use to make sound effects ? And who composed them ?

I have been curious about this ever since I used my PC. I would like to know how you made them. I bet the composer of windows xp sounds is different from that of windows 7, they might be the same either way. Whoever made amusing startup sounds, great job and great job to Mervyn Warren for making an unused startup sound though it could have been used in windows 8.1 and 10 instead of windows vista/7. They look much more amusing when using FL studio or Audacity to change the octaves and the effects. Check out windows remixes to find out everything and have fun.

13 Like 12 but what's your favourite sound effect of any operating systems ?

To me, I love windows xp, 7 and 8.x especially the additional themes. The best is windows 8 hardware connect sound for some reasons. Suppose there was an option to select it on my phone, I would definitely set this and enjoy charging my phone and the removal would be for me windows 7 afternoon since it looks dazzling and so on. I hope Samsung will add more features including this, that would make it enjoyable. I like the unused logon sound for windows 8.x/10 but why do they exist or why are they unused ? Suppose I could change the startup sound on my phone, I would set this every time I opened it up. I wonder why you were obsessed with tada sound in earlier operating systems, maybe lack of audio in the 80s or something else but today it seems less irritating and less noticeable. Once again, kudos to you.

14 Might be a silly question, I know windows 10 is the last operating system but suppose it wasn't so, would you rather make a new os or modify old ones to revive them ? What if every operating system went on longer with newer appearance and better performance ? What if windows 7 didn't run out of support and stayed longer ?

I think I have answered some of them on my own but it's up to you how to respond. I seem to be interested in such projects maybe it's because I am studying at faculty of commerce so I know much about marketing, information system, planning and processing etc. Some could be useful for college projects but I have already finished it with my team, it was about MIS, logistics and any other types of IS related to it, gg bros. Take care of yourselves, take your time and have a nice day.

Me signing off,


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