Windows 10 has deleted ALL my facecam files and several others from an external drive without permission



I run a gaming channel on YouTube. Today is editing day, so I'm minding my own business, exporiting Audactiy files into .mp3 and putting episodes together in Adobe Premiere.

Spontaneously, and without permission, Windows deletes my "processed audio" folder from an external drive without my consent. I check the recycle bin; it's not there. "No big deal," I think, as I only lost one file and it was easy enough to export again.

After editing a few more episodes, I start looking for my facecam files, because an extra episode I recorded for my vlog channel was supposed to have one. Suddenly, NONE of the facecam files exist in their designated folder, nor the recycle bin.

I had turned Storage Sense off last week, but it turned itself BACK on (pretty sure Windows didn't update, but don't quote me on that), and has wiped out ten of my work files. I figured I'd try ctrl-z on the folder, and I discover a NEW problem: the folder is read-only and this cannot be changed (even though the operation ran and it SAID it had), which makes me wonder why the files are missing in the first place. The computer hasn't been reset since I started working, which rules out a user profie error. Yes, I am the administrator. Yes, "show hidden files is on." No, my antivirus isn't the problem.

Why did storage sense turn itself back on when I SPECIFICALLY turned it off to avoid this problem? Why is it deleting files from a drive with 3.2 TERABYTES free on it? Tl;dr: what in the name of hell is going on, and why hasn't it been patched?!

Going to try Recuva, but the LAST time I tried using it and files were missing, they no longer existed; so I'm assuming your unstable **** operating system has just messed up MONTHS of work. Microsoft, please fix this. Premiere no longer supports Win7, so I'm STUCK with this **** and I'm not happy. I doubt I'm the only one.

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