Can't access (C:) Drive and admin permission is not recognized




On start up i get a message that an unnamed file cannot be found. I cannot access my (C:) drive, where I also have Windows installed. Upon clicking the drive on Explorer I receive an "access denied" notification. I am unable to change the ownership of the file as well, as i also receive an "access denied" notification when i try to open the permissions editor via the security tab.

I haven't downloaded any third party apps lately which would explain the change in permissions. I installed a wifi/BT card a week and half ago but the pc has performed flawlessly in between this time. Most of the time I am using ethernet connection, although Windows doesn't always recognize the cable on start up (nothing wrong with the cable, problem goes away by either restarting or disabling and enabling network adapter).

The issue is that I can't perform any activities as administrator. Windows doesn't let me download anything, set securities, manage computer or format drives. I can't reset the computer or uninstall Windows in any way. I can't access troubleshoot.

Windows can't access anything that is related to something located on the (C:) drive or requires admin permissions. If i try to run command console as administrator I get error 0x800704b3 saying that:

"Windows can't use target C:/Windows/system32/cmd.exe
Check for spelling. Problem might be with network. You may perform a troubleshoot and try to solve network issue by selecting troubleshoot" (Might not be correct translation, my Windows is not in English).

And if I click troubleshoot i get error 0x80070005 which says:

"Error during troubleshoot: Problem prevents starting the troubleshoot". It cannot identify the pathway either.

Please help, I have tried almost everything I can think of with no luck. All the actions i try, these two error codes pop up and prevent me from doing anything. Will this problem go away if I just yank the SSD out of the PC and replace it with a new one and install windows on that SSD, i.e. start over?

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