
I have been using Microsoft products since inception, but I am very unhappy with Windows 10.

1. For some years now, every Windows update has created severe problems for me, and the only way I have managed to keep on using my laptop has been to conduct System Restores to earlier times. This is obviously not ideal, and ultimately compounds my issues with updates.

2. A great many Windows users (including me) have great difficulty in being able to see much on our screens. Your colour wheels are all well and good, but (I have been thus informed) but not being able o choose basic black as a text colour is inexplicable. In previous versions of Windows, one could at least adjust colour from dark to pale, as required. Now there ARE NO OPTIONS! What's even worse is that I am now sight impaired and unable to work sensibly even with your "ehancement" options, which are, - at best - offputting in the extreme. Please explain the reasoning behnd this decision, because I, and countless others like me, see no viable reason for this.

3. As I am always reluctant to receive Windows updates (see Paragraph 1), and these are imposed on users without benefit of options to choose (i.e. I do NOT want extra security, so to impose more and more complex restrictions is not user friendly in any way (unless one is a developer), and truly offensive and high handed.

During the past month or so, the following issues have arisen for me, whih is causing huge anxiety and disruption:

(a) I have begun to receive messages "unable to update due to missing .dlll files, which are




I want to know why WINDOWS cannot incorporate fixes whilst they are busy messing up our computers??? Failing that, why is it impossible for an ordinary user to manages FIXES which - according to searches for same, all appear to be incredibly complex? In the meantime, I have the worry that a backlog of updates are unable to be downloaded due to this issue. I have been unable to conduct a SCAN of my C Drive, which was always accessible, SIMPLE AND SUCCESSFUL in previous versions of WINDOWS.

(b) This past week, I have also LOST my E Drive for USB use which is critical for me.

As you may have picked up from the foregoing message, I am VERY UPSET. Please advise whether I can speak to a REAL PERSON who would be able to access my computer remotely and help me with these issues.

Thank you.


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