How do I stop Microsoft from automatically restarting my computer after an update?

  • Thread starter BelindaBentley PhD
  • Start date

BelindaBentley PhD

Ok, I've spent the last hour reading people's complaints that are equal in frustration and anger to mine. I cannot tell you how disappointing it is to have yet another BULLY try to decide for me because they think they are smarter than everyone else on earth. Trust me, YOU ARE NOT! I am tired of losing work that I cannot afford to lose as a VERY small business; try only 2 of us.

It is very clear that Microsoft does not give a **** whether they have happy customers or not because why should they care after all? They own a monopoly of market share that allows them to do whatever they want to whoever they want.

Look, I get that we all need technology to exist, especially right now. However, does Microsoft really need to continue to act so hatefully to the people who actually made them who they are today? Have they forgotten who helped them get to where they are? Do they really believe that stepping on the little guy is the right way to do business?

I've tried every single suggestion. I do not have the gpedit.msc option, I've tried active hours, I've tried turning off everything in the Updates and Security, etc., etc., etc., but guess what? NOTHING IS WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sick and tired of losing my work because Microsoft thinks they are the king of the castle and should be allowed to do whatever they want, whenever they want. This is MY property! I bought this computer, I own this business, I own the house I live in and I do not give my permission or consent to Microsoft to automatically restart my computer on a whim.

You are costing me business and I do not take that lightly. I work VERY hard, 17 hours a day, very nearly every day of the week and I do not need Microsoft screwing up my ability to make a living, and I am not the only one after an hour of reading other very frustrated customers who are having the exact same problem! And no, because of your mess, I cannot afford to upgrade to a more expensive version of BULLY 10. Oh, sorry Windows 10.

I want an answer that actually works, not just another butt-kissing, lip service message about settings and active hours. HOW DO I TURN OFF THE AUTOMATIC RESTART AFTER UPDATES PROBLEM? PERMANENTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get a clue Microsoft! I cannot wait to move to LINUX!! LINUX, LINUX, LINUX, LINUX, LINUX

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