Multiple Windows 10 Issues



I checked out laptops during the summer. Different brands at different stores. And on most of them, when I'd scroll down a web page, links would open by themselves.

In October, I bought an Acer, and again, links opened by themselves. Also, one time when I opened the main settings window, one of them - might have been Ease of Use - opened by itself. Went back and another one opened by itself (not the one I wanted). Also, a small window - the one with two arrows, a refresh arrow and a star on the top kept popping up all the time.

Acer had me do a Windows refresh. I knew it wouldn't do any good and it didn't. I returned the Acer.

Last month I bought a Dell, and again, links keep opening by themselves. I'm not talking about pop-up ads. I'm talking about links that are on web pages. As I scroll, they open without me doing anything. No, I'm not tapping or clicking on them. Sometimes, when I open my Firefox bookmarks, as I scroll down, one of them will open without me clicking or tapping on it. And individual Twitter tweets open by themselves as I scroll down the main page (I'm not tapping on them).

I also had Hotmail emails send without clicking "Send," a compose screen open without me clicking on the "New" icon, emails open without me clicking on them, and (e-mail) folders open while I'm writing an email. I also had a post to a message board post without me clicking "Post." And the window with the arrows and star pops up, but the "Undo," "Copy," "Paste" window pops up more often.

In the touchpad settings, the box "tap twice and drag to multi-select" is not checked. And the three- and four-finger gestures are all set to "Never." And neither the Acer nor Dell was/is a touchscreen and most of the laptops at the stores weren't either.

At the stores I was using Edge. With the Acer and Dell, I use Firefox but it also happens in Chrome. So links opening by themselves is not a Firefox or Chrome browser issue, it's a Windows 10 issue. In fact, besides the setting windows on the Acer opening by themselves, with the Dell, I had a file folder window open, and the "Pictures" window opened by itself. And the "Undo," "Copy," "Paste" window opens in browsers AND Notepad. So, again, this is a Windows 10 issue.

I opened a Microsoft chat two weeks ago, and the rep had me do a Command Prompt - Run as Administrator and wound up repairing files (which totally messed up my display settings). It didn't work. The next day, a rep wanted me to see if the links opening by themselves happened in Safe Mode. He gave me instructions with a phone number to call after it was done. There was one extra digit in the phone number, and when I asked about that, he said, "that's the number."

I followed the instructions but came across "Bit Locker." No idea what that was - it wasn't mentioned in the instructions - and it required a code. So I couldn't get to Safe Mode. I called the phone number and of course it didn't work because there was an extra digit. Tried chat again, this rep wanted me to reinstall Windows. I wasn't going to do that.

Links and windows should never open by themselves. Just hovering or having the cursor pass over a link or an email "Send" button should not open it or send it. And even when I do so, deliberately, to see if a link would open without clicking or tapping, it doesn't. But the cursor isn't coming close to these links or email/message board command icons anyway; pages just open by themselves. (Many web sites have tabs up top, and when the cursor happens to slide up there, they unfold. But I'm not talking about that at all.)

I tried adjusting the touchpad sensitivity, doesn't do any good. And this isn't a malware issue because this happened/is happening on two brand new laptops and the laptops I came across in the summer and fall - different brands at different locations. So they all have this maleware? (I ran Malwarebytes, it came up clean.) And even if it was malware, doors would have been broken down a long time ago demanding that it be fixed.

Other than pop up ads, I can't find anything about this on the internet. But this can not be "how it's supposed to be." Or am I the only person in the world that notices this and jumps out of his skin every time it happens?

And I don't want to hear that I could "use a mouse." First, I shouldn't have to. And second, the laptop is on my lap most of the time. And what about the "Undo"/Copy"/"Paste" window that keeps popping all the time, especially in Notepad?

I also don't want to hear that I have to be "more careful while scrolling." It's impossible to "be careful" when you're making so many finger and hand movements every second. Besides, I shouldn't have to type, click and scroll slower and more carefully when I never had to before.

There are two other issues that may or not be related: 1) When I'm in a Hotmail or message board compose screen, or a screen with fields to enter personal information, and I click to a spot or field, the screen (sometimes) will scroll up a couple of inches by itself (with the cursor staying where I clicked). No, I'm not touching the touchpad. (I'm using Notepad to type this and, ironically, it just happened now. When I came back to this paragraph and clicked after the word "touchpad," the page scrolled up by itself.) It only happens when I click to a spot (or field) so it's not my wrists.

2) In Notepad, the scrolling (with fingers) isn't smooth at all. First there's a delay, and then it jerks down and stops. So you can't read as you scroll because it's not smooth and you lose your place and have to find where you were (reading). Scrolling in web browsers is fine.

I don't want to use the scroll bar on the right. I want to use the touchpad.

Would downloading this do any good?

My Notepad version is 20H2 OS Build 19042.685

There's also another minor, but annoying issue. Doesn't happen often but when I open a web page with a picture on the top - Twitter, for example - the picture will open fully across my screen (no, I'm not tapping or clicking on it). And I have to x out of it. It shouldn't open by itself.

And there's a couple of other things I noticed. While typing in Notepad or a Hotmail or message board compose screen, sometimes while I'm typing, or after a pause, the cursor will jump somewhere else. So I wind up typing where I didn't want to be typing. Also, my browser shrinks to a small rectangle, all by itself.

So many things happen that I do not want happening. These issues are very frustrating and should not be happening at all. Once a day is too many times. And none of these issues were happening on my previous Windows 8 and 8.1 laptop.

P.S. After pasting this into this compose screen, when I'd click to a spot, the screen scrolled up, all by itself. Happened a few times. Also, the "Copy"/"Paste" window popped up in here as well.

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