Windows 10 PC shuts down after boot



The Issue:

- Self built PC of around 4.5 years old

- Started happening yesterday evening

- Parts list: System Builder

The current status of the issue: it either turns off immediately after booting OR, it'll stay on for anywhere between 1-20 mins before randomly and suddenly showing the "Shutting Down" screen for no reason and shutting down on it's own. Note that it's not blue screening or freezing but showing the "Shutting Down" screen.

I quite honestly have no clue when it comes to troubleshooting and it's just incredibly irritating because it could be a million different things. I hope we can try more basic things before resorting to anything drastic like a hardware swap (nobody wants to waste money on a new PSU or new RAM only to still have the issue and not fix anything, and at that point I'd probably rather just pay to have it sent to a repair shop). Hopefully we can work it out.

I've had somewhat of a similar issue before, but not exactly...

A few months ago I had a similar issue except it was a mixture of the sudden "Shutting Down" screens and blue screens but they only happened around once a day or once every few days so at least the computer was usable. Now it either "shuts down" like 5 mins after booting or immediately. I believe last time the issue persisted for a month or so until I reinstalled some driver or something but I honestly don't remember. And this time the computer barely stays on long enough for me to do anything.

What I've tried:

- Sfc/Scannow (it said it found corrupted files and repaired them but the issue still persists)

- Windows memory diagnostic (said it found no issues)

- Virus scans (Malwarebytes & Bitdefender, no issues found)

Thanks in advance

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