BSOD or Video_TDR_failure 116



I will first try to tell everything that i did so you can have a better understanding of my problem

One week ago i bought an SSD (Kingston M2 A400 240gb) because before i was just running on HD and my pc was really struggling loading windows and games and before that my PC was running just fine, with no problems at all, the only problem was that was loading to slow basically

This is my system

Ryzen 5 3400g (Stock cooler no overclock)

MSI B450 Gaming Plus

Saphire RX-580

Corsair Dominator Platinum 2x8Gb 3200mhz

PSU: XFX PRO 650w (this one is pretty old)

Sound blaster recon 3d
HD: WD Caviar black 1TB - Seagate Barracuda 1TB

That is basically everything i had installed on my PC before i bought the SSD and everything was working just fine, and i have all drivers and windows up to date always

So then i installed the new SSD, erase everything from my HD to them do a clean install on the SSD and use the HD to storage large files and games and leaving the SSD only for windows, 1 or 2 games and important stuff, After installing windows i updated everything to the latest version (Windows, GPU Drivers, Chipset) to them download games, programs, discord, etc.

But now for some reason when i'm playing (Escape from tarkov Especifically) and most normally when i load into a game or when i get out of a match and in the menus, i simple have a lost of signal on my monitor i can hear the game or the people on discord for like 5 seconds and them the PC crash and restart

viously i can't see the BSOD because i always loose monitor signal but when i look on the event viewer i usually found this

And this is usually what i get on the DMP files

* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *

Attempt to reset the display driver and recover from timeout failed.
Arg1: ffffdc8fcbc1e010, Optional pointer to internal TDR recovery context (TDR_RECOVERY_CONTEXT).
Arg2: fffff80648c00a40, The pointer into responsible device driver module (e.g. owner tag).
Arg3: ffffffffc0000001, Optional error code (NTSTATUS) of the last failed operation.
Arg4: 0000000000000003, Optional internal context dependent data.

Debugging Details:

Unable to load image \SystemRoot\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\u0360470.inf_amd64_35c64671e7fac064\B360357\amdkmdag.sys, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for amdkmdag.sys
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for win32k.sys


Key : Analysis.CPU.mSec
Value: 3749

Key : Analysis.DebugAnalysisProvider.CPP
Value: Create: 8007007e on DESKTOP-EGOOGCU

Key : Analysis.DebugData
Value: CreateObject

Key : Analysis.DebugModel
Value: CreateObject

Key : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
Value: 25991

Key : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
Value: 89

Key : Analysis.System
Value: CreateObject

Key : WER.OS.Branch
Value: vb_release

Key : WER.OS.Timestamp
Value: 2019-12-06T14:06:00Z

Key : WER.OS.Version
Value: 10.0.19041.1




BUGCHECK_P1: ffffdc8fcbc1e010

BUGCHECK_P2: fffff80648c00a40

BUGCHECK_P3: ffffffffc0000001


BLACKBOXBSD: 1 (!blackboxbsd)

BLACKBOXNTFS: 1 (!blackboxntfs)




ffffef09`c5a219f8 fffff806`43f413ee : 00000000`00000116 ffffdc8f`cbc1e010 fffff806`48c00a40 ffffffff`c0000001 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
ffffef09`c5a21a00 fffff806`43ee97ab : fffff806`48c00a40 ffffdc8f`c262d000 ffffdc8f`c262d0f0 00000000`00000000 : dxgkrnl!TdrBugcheckOnTimeout+0xfe
ffffef09`c5a21a40 fffff806`43eea57e : ffffdc8f`00000101 00000000`00002000 ffffdc8f`c262d000 00000000`01000000 : dxgkrnl!DXGADAPTER::prepareToReset+0x1a3
ffffef09`c5a21a90 fffff806`43f40b15 : 00000000`00000100 ffffdc8f`c262da58 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : dxgkrnl!DXGADAPTER::Reset+0x28e
ffffef09`c5a21b10 fffff806`43f40c87 : fffff806`3d324440 ffffdc8f`c7ee2410 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000400 : dxgkrnl!TdrResetFromTimeout+0x15
ffffef09`c5a21b40 fffff806`3c825975 : ffffdc8f`cc267040 fffff806`43f40c60 ffffdc8f`bbe61520 00000000`00000000 : dxgkrnl!TdrResetFromTimeoutWorkItem+0x27
ffffef09`c5a21b70 fffff806`3c917e25 : ffffdc8f`cc267040 00000000`00000080 ffffdc8f`bbe82040 00000000`00000001 : nt!ExpWorkerThread+0x105
ffffef09`c5a21c10 fffff806`3c9fcdd8 : ffff9880`29280180 ffffdc8f`cc267040 fffff806`3c917dd0 00000000`00a3b8e0 : nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x55
ffffef09`c5a21c60 00000000`00000000 : ffffef09`c5a22000 ffffef09`c5a1c000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x28

SYMBOL_NAME: amdkmdag+b0a40

MODULE_NAME: amdkmdag

IMAGE_NAME: amdkmdag.sys

STACK_COMMAND: .thread ; .cxr ; kb

FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x116_IMAGE_amdkmdag.sys

OS_VERSION: 10.0.19041.1

BUILDLAB_STR: vb_release


OSNAME: Windows 10

FAILURE_ID_HASH: {1c94a7e8-453f-c7b9-1484-0a0454a0ee36}

Followup: MachineOwner

I already reinstalled windows 2 times
Already use DDU to reinstall my drivers to the latest one and recently an old one
Already reseted my ram and my GPU
I disabled my Integrated GPU just in case it was that

Already Updated my MB bios

An with all that i really cant figure out what is happening to my pc im recently thinking that could the PSU (Since it is kind old) but i can play for exemplo MW for a really long time with no problem, and thats a game that really usses resources from my pc, it is just something specificly that trigers the BSOD

Any questions just ask

I would be really appreciated if someone can help me solve this

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