Windows 10 Pro Link Speed Changing On Its Own



I'm about at my wits end with this issue!

After searching the internet for solutions which have not worked, I'm trying here as a last resort.

I have an Intel NUC which is amazing! In about the last month, Windows 10 has started changing the link speed from 1Gbps to 100Mbps, severely limiting my internet speeds. Since the NUC has 2 Ethernet ports, I have tried switching from 1 plug to another and, when I do make the switch, the system re-establishes a 1Gbps link and it holds anywhere from 10-30 minutes. After that, the link disconnects momentarily, then reconnects automatically at 100Mbps. Furthermore, when I turn on wifi, the system will connect in Wifi at 1Gbps and run just fine. As my office is a decent distance away from my router, when I close the door in my office for privacy, strong wifi is not an option.

I have changed my system to a static IP, turned off all background services, and all of the other suggestions on the web. What did work momentarily was the "Speed & Duplex" setting under "advanced" tab of the device properties menu, but once the system tried to re-negotiate back down to megabit speeds, the Ethernet connection showed "disconnecting" and "reconnecting" back and forth, as if it couldn't actually establish a connection. Once I moved that setting back to "Auto Negotiation," it held a connection again, albeit at the megabit speed. It was so frustrating at the start, that I thought my switch in my office was going bad, so after some trouble shooting and a direct connection to my router, I thought that was the problem and bought a new switch. Once the network connected at gigabit speeds again with the new switch, I was pretty sure that was the problem; troubleshooting confirmed. Imagine my surprise when, the next day, I saw I was back to Mbps connections again; so now this issue has cost me both time and money.

Since my new switch has orange/green lights to show which connection speed it is running at, I can see at a glance when Windows 10 starts a gigabit connection, and when it auto-switches down to megabit speeds. There does not seem to be any new driver updates and the system is using Intel networking drivers: Intel I210 Gigabit Network Connection and Intel I219-LM Ethernet Connection.

If anyone has any suggestions or fixes, I would be immensely appreciative.

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