What is causing this BSOD?



My PC suffered a BSOD whilst I was away from the keyboard. I checked the Event Viewer after the fact and below is the log from Event Viewer.


According to the dmp file the crash was caused by the ntoskrnl.exe driver acting up and the crash address was ntoskrnl.exe+3f5a80. The dmp file can be found here: 020821-6937-01.zip

The most recent change I made to my computer was updating Windows to its latest version

System Info:

OS: Windows 10 Pro

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5900x (PBO enabled and using Curve Optimiser @ -10)

GPU: RTX 3070

RAM: 32GB DDR4 @ 3600MHz

MOTHERBOARD: MSI MAG x570 Tomahawk Wifi

PSU: Silverstone 850W Gold - ST85F-GS

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