Upgrade to 20H2 - Error = 0x800707E7-0x3000D




After a few weeks and reading many thread I still cannot upgrade to 20H2.

I have tried

  • Clean Boot
  • Remove Kaspersky
  • Disable Windows Defender
  • DISM
  • SFC
  • Delete SoftwareDistibution
  • Windows Update troubleshooter
  • Install from Windows update, media creation tool, ISO
  • Disconnect all peripherals except Logitech keyboard/mouse
  • Install with and without WiFi

Hoping someone can help me decipher these logs towards a solution


Matching Profile found: FindRollbackFailure - 3A43C9B5-05B3-4F7C-A955-88F991BB5A48

SetupDiag version:

System Information:

Machine Name = DESKTOP

Manufacturer = Hewlett-Packard

Model = 450-011

HostOSArchitecture = 1033

FirmwareType = UEFI

BiosReleaseDate = 20150401000000.000000+000

BiosVendor = 80.06

BiosVersion = 80.06

HostOSVersion = 10.0.18363

HostOSBuildString = 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202

TargetOSBuildString = 10.0.19041.621 (vb_release_svc_prod1.201014-1758)

HostOSLanguageId =

HostOSEdition = Professional

RegisteredAV = Windows Defender

FilterDrivers = FileInfo

UpgradeStartTime = 2/10/2021 9:33:15 AM

UpgradeEndTime = 2/10/2021 10:34:07 AM

UpgradeElapsedTime = 01:00:52

CV = SzJNC/1+rEumCecI

ReportId =

Error: SetupDiag reports rollback failure found.

Last Phase = Post First Boot

Last Operation = First boot apply

Error = 0x800707E7-0x3000D

LogEntry: 2021-02-10 10:34:06, Error SP Apply (first boot apply, online phase): Migration phase failed. Result: 4, specific error: 0x800707E7[gle=0x00000002]

Refer to "System Error Codes - Win32 apps" for error information.

Last Setup Phase:

Phase Name: Post First Boot

Phase Started: 2/10/2021 10:33:54 AM

Phase Ended: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM

Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00

Completed Successfully? False

Last Setup Operation:

Operation Name: First boot apply

Operation Started: 2/10/2021 10:33:54 AM

Operation Ended: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM

Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00.0000000

Completed Successfully? False

Panther setuperr

2021-02-10 09:33:28, Error MOUPG CSetupHost::Execute(433): Result = 0x800705BB

2021-02-10 09:48:56, Error CSI 00000001 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #1065# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysQueryValueKey(flags = 0, key = bbc ('\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts'), vn = [l:21 ml:22]'Arial Nova (TrueType)', kvic = 2, kvi = 2, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]

2021-02-10 09:48:56, Error CSI 00000002 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #1064# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::CKey::QueryValue(flags = 0, kn = [l:69]'\Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts\', vn = [l:21 ml:22]'Arial Nova (TrueType)', ic = KeyValuePartialInformation, info = {l:0 b:}, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]

2021-02-10 09:49:39, Error DU DU::CDUSession::Search: Failed to set WU internal configuration property for targeted scans. hr = 0x80070057

2021-02-10 09:49:48, Error CONX aeinv: ERROR,GetAppInventory,102,Inventory already running: [0x800700aa]

2021-02-10 09:50:45, Error MOUPG CDlpResponseImpl<class CDlpErrorImpl<class CDlpObjectInternalImpl<class CUnknownImpl<class IDlpResponse> > > >::CheckUserInterrupt(1788): Result = 0x800704D3

2021-02-10 09:50:45, Error MOUPG CDlpResponseImpl<class CDlpErrorImpl<class CDlpObjectInternalImpl<class CUnknownImpl<class IDlpResponse> > > >::Execute(1924): Result = 0x800704D3

2021-02-10 09:50:45, Error MOUPG CDlpActionImpl<class CDlpErrorImpl<class CDlpObjectInternalImpl<class CUnknownImpl<class IMoSetupDlpAction> > > >::ExecuteResponse(1371): Result = 0x800704D3

2021-02-10 09:50:45, Error MOUPG CDlpActionSummary::ExecuteRoutine(202): Result = 0x800704D3

2021-02-10 09:50:45, Error MOUPG CDlpActionImpl<class CDlpErrorImpl<class CDlpObjectInternalImpl<class CUnknownImpl<class IMoSetupDlpAction> > > >::Execute(493): Result = 0x800704D3

2021-02-10 09:51:02, Error CSI 00000001 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #1065# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::DirectRegistryProvider::SysQueryValueKey(flags = 0, key = 1270 ('\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts'), vn = [l:21 ml:22]'Arial Nova (TrueType)', kvic = 2, kvi = 2, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]

2021-02-10 09:51:02, Error CSI 00000002 (F) STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND #1064# from Windows::Rtl::SystemImplementation::CKey::QueryValue(flags = 0, kn = [l:69]'\Registry\Machine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts\', vn = [l:21 ml:22]'Arial Nova (TrueType)', ic = KeyValuePartialInformation, info = {l:0 b:}, disp = 0)[gle=0xd0000034]

2021-02-10 09:52:01, Error CONX aeinv: ERROR,GetAppInventory,102,Inventory already running: [0x800700aa]

2021-02-10 09:52:34, Error IRegisteredTaskCollection::DeleteFolder failed. hr = 0x80070091

2021-02-10 09:54:56, Error SP pSPRemoveUpgradeRegTree: failed to delete reg tree HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup\Upgrade[gle=0x00000005]

2021-02-10 09:55:14, Error MIG Ignoring replacement manifest with no settingsVersionRange or versionRange attribute in migration element: Microsoft-Windows-Container-Manager

2021-02-10 09:55:15, Error [0x080831] MIG CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: "script" attribute is mandatory. class Mig::CMXEMerge *__cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::LoadMerge(class UnBCL::XmlNode *,int,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *)

2021-02-10 09:55:15, Error [0x080831] MIG CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: "script" attribute is mandatory. class Mig::CMXEMerge *__cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::LoadMerge(class UnBCL::XmlNode *,int,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *)

2021-02-10 09:55:15, Error [0x080366] MIG String or RParan expected. Script MigXmlHelper.RelativeMove('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [Enabled]',

'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [ThrottleFramerate]')

2021-02-10 09:55:15, Error [0x080831] MIG CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: Callback entry point MigXmlHelper.RelativeMove('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [Enabled]',

'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [ThrottleFramerate]') not found. __cdecl Mig::CMXEScriptCaller::CMXEScriptCaller(class UnBCL::String *,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *)

2021-02-10 09:55:47, Error MIG Ignoring replacement manifest with no settingsVersionRange or versionRange attribute in migration element: Microsoft-Windows-Container-Manager

2021-02-10 09:55:48, Error [0x080366] MIG String or RParan expected. Script MigXmlHelper.RelativeMove('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [Enabled]',

'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [ThrottleExperience]')

2021-02-10 09:55:48, Error [0x080831] MIG CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: Callback entry point MigXmlHelper.RelativeMove('HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [Enabled]',

'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Holographic\DisplayThrottling [ThrottleExperience]') not found. __cdecl Mig::CMXEScriptCaller::CMXEScriptCaller(class UnBCL::String *,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *)

2021-02-10 09:55:49, Error [0x080831] MIG CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: Component with display name: Plugin/{C939EC0F-2F56-4CE8-AF56-2336596A5FA7} already loaded __cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::CMXEMigrationXml(class Mig::CPlatform *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::XmlDocument *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *)

2021-02-10 09:57:47, Error SP CSetupPlatform::ResurrectAutomation: Failed to resurrect automation: 0x80070002[gle=0x00000002]

2021-02-10 10:13:06, Error SP Sysprep specialize offline failed. Error: 0x80070005[gle=0x0000007a]

2021-02-10 10:13:06, Error SP Operation failed: Run sysprep specialization offline on C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\NewOS. Error: 0x80070005[gle=0x000000b7]

2021-02-10 10:28:43, Error MIG Ignoring replacement manifest with no settingsVersionRange or versionRange attribute in migration element: Microsoft-Windows-Container-Manager

2021-02-10 10:28:51, Error [0x080831] MIG CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: Component with display name: Plugin/{C939EC0F-2F56-4CE8-AF56-2336596A5FA7} already loaded __cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::CMXEMigrationXml(class Mig::CPlatform *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::XmlDocument *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *)

2021-02-10 10:31:29, Error [0x0808fe] MIG Plugin {0b23c863-4410-4153-8733-a60c9b1990fb}: TableTextServiceMig!RemoveObsoleteCHSHKLMRegkey - fail to open regkey (software\Microsoft\CTF\TIP\{E429B25A-E5D3-4D1F-9BE3-0C608477E3A1}\LanguageProfile\0x00000804) = 2

2021-02-10 10:31:29, Error [0x0808fe] MIG Plugin {0b23c863-4410-4153-8733-a60c9b1990fb}: TableTextServiceMig!ApplySuccess() remove HKLM Registries error

2021-02-10 10:31:30, Error [0x0808fe] MIG Plugin {526D451C-721A-4b97-AD34-DCE5D8CD22C5}: [shmig] onecoreuap\internal\shell\inc\private\schemacachehelpers.cpp(607)\shmig.dll!00007FFD69E873BE: (caller: 00007FFD69E85315) ReturnHr(1) tid(550) 80070002 The system cannot find the file specified.

Msg:[Migrated key for Path $OFFLINE_RW_BCE441CA$SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PropertySystem\PropertySchema.Migrated for 32-bit hive not found ]

2021-02-10 10:31:30, Error [0x0808fe] MIG Plugin {ee036dc0-f9b7-4d2d-bb94-3dd3102c5804}: BRIDGEMIG: ParseRegistryIfBridgeExists: offline key (new) = '$OFFLINE_RW_BCE441CA$SYSTEM\Setup\Upgrade\Bridge'

2021-02-10 10:31:30, Error [0x0808fe] MIG Plugin {ee036dc0-f9b7-4d2d-bb94-3dd3102c5804}: BRIDGEMIG: ParseRegistryIfBridgeExists: query bridge presence key failed 0x139f, bridge present = 0

2021-02-10 10:31:30, Error [0x08038d] MIG Failure while calling IPostApply->ApplySuccess for Plugin={ServerPath="Microsoft-Windows-DirectoryServices-ADAM-Client\adammigrate.dll", CLSID={43CCF250-2A74-48c6-9620-FC312EC475D6}, ThreadingModel=Apartment}. Error: 0x80070002

2021-02-10 10:31:30, Error SP Error READ, 0x00000002 while gathering/applying object: apply-success, Action,CMXEPlugin,C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\ReplacementManifests,Microsoft-Windows-DirectoryServices-ADAM-Client\adammigrate.dll,{43CCF250-2A74-48c6-9620-FC312EC475D6},Apartment. Will return 2[gle=0x000000cb]

2021-02-10 10:31:34, Error MIG Ignoring replacement manifest with no settingsVersionRange or versionRange attribute in migration element: Microsoft-Windows-Container-Manager

2021-02-10 10:31:38, Error [0x080831] MIG CSIAgent: Invalid xml format: FormatException: "script" attribute is mandatory. class Mig::CMXEMerge *__cdecl Mig::CMXEMigrationXml::LoadMerge(class UnBCL::XmlNode *,int,class Mig::CMXEMigrationXml *,class Mig::CMXEXmlComponent *)

2021-02-10 10:31:40, Error [0x0803eb] MIG Error: 161 Message: Error opening the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TabletPC: The specified path is invalid. [0x000000A1][gle=0x00000002]

2021-02-10 10:31:40, Error [0x0803eb] MIG Error: 161 Message: Error opening the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\TabletPC: The specified path is invalid. [0x000000A1][gle=0x00000002]

2021-02-10 10:31:43, Error SP Error WRITE, 0x0000065E while gathering/applying object: State, Microsoft-Windows-SQMApi[@version="10.0.18362.1" and @arch="amd64" and @culture="neutral" and @context="allUsers"]/settings. Will return 2[gle=0x00000012]

2021-02-10 10:31:44, Error SP Error WRITE, 0x0000065E while gathering/applying object: State, Microsoft-Windows-SMBServer[@version="10.0.18362.1" and @arch="amd64" and @culture="neutral" and @context="allUsers"]/settings. Will return 2

2021-02-10 10:31:45, Error SP Error WRITE, 0x0000065E while gathering/applying object: State, Microsoft-Windows-SharedAccess[@version="10.0.18362.1316" and @arch="amd64" and @culture="neutral" and @context="allUsers"]/settings. Will return 2[gle=0x00000012]

2021-02-10 10:31:45, Error SP Error WRITE, 0x0000065E while gathering/applying object: State, Microsoft-Windows-SharedAccess[@version="10.0.18362.1316" and @arch="amd64" and @culture="neutral" and @context="allUsers"]/settings [EnableControl]. Will return 2[gle=0x00000012]

2021-02-10 10:31:45, Error SP Error WRITE, 0x0000065E while gathering/applying object: State, Microsoft-Windows-SharedAccess[@version="10.0.18362.1316" and @arch="amd64" and @culture="neutral" and @context="allUsers"]/settings [ICSDomain]. Will return 2[gle=0x00000012]

2021-02-10 10:31:45, Error SP Error WRITE, 0x0000065E while gathering/applying object: State, Microsoft-Windows-SharedAccess[@version="10.0.18362.1316" and @arch="amd64" and @culture="neutral" and @context="allUsers"]/settings [ScopeAddress]. Will return 2[gle=0x00000012]

2021-02-10 10:31:45, Error SP Error WRITE, 0x0000065E while gathering/applying object: State, Microsoft-Windows-SharedAccess[@version="10.0.18362.1316" and @arch="amd64" and @culture="neutral" and @context="allUsers"]/settings [ScopeAddressBackup]. Will return 2[gle=0x00000012]

2021-02-10 10:31:45, Error SP Error WRITE, 0x0000065E while gathering/applying object: State, Microsoft-Windows-SharedAccess[@version="10.0.18362.1316" and @arch="amd64" and @culture="neutral" and @context="allUsers"]/settings [SharedAutoDial]. Will return 2[gle=0x00000012]

2021-02-10 10:31:46, Error SP Error WRITE, 0x0000065E while gathering/applying object: State, Microsoft-Windows-ErrorReportingCore[@version="10.0.18362.1316" and @arch="amd64" and @culture="neutral" and @context="allUsers"]/settings. Will return 2[gle=0x00000020]

2021-02-10 10:31:55, Error [0x0808fe] MIG Plugin {0b23c863-4410-4153-8733-a60c9b1990fb}: TableTextServiceMig!RemoveObsoleteCHSHKLMRegkey - fail to open regkey (software\Microsoft\CTF\TIP\{E429B25A-E5D3-4D1F-9BE3-0C608477E3A1}\LanguageProfile\0x00000804) = 2

2021-02-10 10:31:55, Error [0x0808fe] MIG Plugin {0b23c863-4410-4153-8733-a60c9b1990fb}: TableTextServiceMig!ApplySuccess() remove HKLM Registries error

2021-02-10 10:33:00, Error [SetupPlatform.exe] SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW() error = 0x5

2021-02-10 10:33:49, Error CBS Failed to load Session:3064_1075593 [HRESULT = 0x80070002 - ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND]

2021-02-10 10:33:58, Error MIG Ignoring replacement manifest with no settingsVersionRange or versionRange attribute in migration element: Microsoft-Windows-Container-Manager

2021-02-10 10:34:06, Error SP User profile suffix mismatch, upgrade cannot continue.[gle=0x00000012]

2021-02-10 10:34:06, Error SP pSPExecuteApply: Migration phase caught exception: Win32Exception: User profile suffix mismatch, upgrade cannot continue: The specified profile is intended for a device of a different type than the specified device. [0x000007E7] enum MIGSTATUS __cdecl pSPExecuteApply(enum SetupPlatform::SP_MIG_SCOPE,class UnBCL::String *,int,int,int,class UnBCL::ArrayList<class UnBCL::String *> *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::ArrayList<class UnBCL::DictionaryEntry<class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *> *> *,class UnBCL::String *,int,int,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::String *,class UnBCL::ArrayList<class CWIMBootData *> *,class UnBCL::String *,int *,class CSPTelemetryData *,struct ISPMigProgress *,long *)

2021-02-10 10:34:06, Error SP Apply (first boot apply, online phase): Migration phase failed. Result: 4, specific error: 0x800707E7[gle=0x00000002]

2021-02-10 10:34:06, Error SP Operation failed: First boot apply. Error: 0x800707E7[gle=0x000000b7]

2021-02-10 10:34:06, Error SP Operation execution failed: 13. hr = 0x800707E7

2021-02-10 10:34:06, Error SP ExecuteOperations: Failed execution phase Post First Boot. Error: 0x800707E7

2021-02-10 10:34:06, Error SP Operation execution failed.

2021-02-10 10:34:06, Error SP CSetupPlatformPrivate::Execute: Failed to deserialize/execute post-FirstBoot operations. Error: 0x800707E7

Rollbank setuperr

Matching Profile found: FindRollbackFailure - 3A43C9B5-05B3-4F7C-A955-88F991BB5A48

SetupDiag version:

System Information:

Machine Name = DESKTOP

Manufacturer = Hewlett-Packard

Model = 450-011

HostOSArchitecture = 1033

FirmwareType = UEFI

BiosReleaseDate = 20150401000000.000000+000

BiosVendor = 80.06

BiosVersion = 80.06

HostOSVersion = 10.0.18363

HostOSBuildString = 18362.1.amd64fre.19h1_release.190318-1202

TargetOSBuildString = 10.0.19041.621 (vb_release_svc_prod1.201014-1758)

HostOSLanguageId =

HostOSEdition = Professional

RegisteredAV = Windows Defender

FilterDrivers = FileInfo

UpgradeStartTime = 2/10/2021 9:33:15 AM

UpgradeEndTime = 2/10/2021 10:34:07 AM

UpgradeElapsedTime = 01:00:52

CV = SzJNC/1+rEumCecI

ReportId =

Error: SetupDiag reports rollback failure found.

Last Phase = Post First Boot

Last Operation = First boot apply

Error = 0x800707E7-0x3000D

LogEntry: 2021-02-10 10:34:06, Error SP Apply (first boot apply, online phase): Migration phase failed. Result: 4, specific error: 0x800707E7[gle=0x00000002]

Refer to "System Error Codes - Win32 apps" for error information.

Last Setup Phase:

Phase Name: Post First Boot

Phase Started: 2/10/2021 10:33:54 AM

Phase Ended: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM

Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00

Completed Successfully? False

Last Setup Operation:

Operation Name: First boot apply

Operation Started: 2/10/2021 10:33:54 AM

Operation Ended: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM

Operation Time Delta: 0:00:00:00.0000000

Completed Successfully? False

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