Issues removing (USB) external drive


Ric-n-Bren Kelly

First, I hope I am in the correct forum for some assistance.

I have a 2TB WD Passport plugged into a USB port I use for back-up and transferring files to my wife's computer. Most times, when I click the "Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media" icon in the taskbar, it will give me the "Safe to remove hardware ..." message and, I unplug the drive. However, there are times, I get a message that states something to the effect of (I an guessing, I did not write the message down) "The drive is still in use. Please close the program using the drive before attempting to unplug it." As stated earlier, this is not the exact message. My alternative at this time is to close any programs I am using, shut down and then unplug the drive.

Questions ...

1) Is there a way to tell what might still be using the drive, if I have closed the folders I generally have open?

2) Is there some other way to try to eject the drive?

I am open to any answers or suggestions to stop me from having to shut down the computer before unplugging the drive.

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