Slow internet speed on a new PC



Hi! Im having a problem with the internet connection on my Windows 10 brand new PC.

The speed should be 150mbps and on speedtest it shows that exact speed on all my devices exepct for the new PC. I tried plugging it with the ethernet cabel, turning off wifi and it still shows 1-5mbps.

It is not a matter of the location, as laptops connected to wifi from the same spot show 140-150 mbps. I checked all the programms in task manager and resource monitor and nothing unusual is running, nothing is taking up the speed. It is not a matter of a virus, as the speed was low from the start.

I tried disconnecting all my devices exept for the PC from the internet, it didnt change anything.

I already tried updating the drivers, tried rebooting the router and the PC, tried updating the IPS and DNS adresses, nothing helped.

I tried connecting to a WIFI hotspot from my phone, it shows same 1-5mbps, so it is not the problem of the router.

However, yesterday night for an hour the speedtest did show 100mbs and today it shows 3mbps again. I doubt that it has something to do with the time (like at night there are less people using the network) because the internet on the laptop worked perfectly fine all the time, whilst the internet on PC only showed 100mbps for an hour or so.

What should i do next/what can cause the problem?

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