Does anyone know what the wlan_memlog.log file is?



Hi! About a month ago, Windows Defender found a trojan virus on my laptop and reported that a file inside the C:\Windows\System32\drivers named "hostdump_mem_log1000001d3.[a few digits]" was affected. Since it was stopped and no other suspicious events happened since then, I didn't think much about it. Fast forward to a few days ago, my laptop suddenly slowed down significantly, which made me curious about the virus I encountered previously. I checked C:\Windows\System32\drivers again and this is what I found:

  • There's a bunch of .log files with names starting with hostdump_mem_log1000001d3. and ending with varying digits. For example: hostdump_mem_log.1000001d3.3327640.log
  • They are created almost randomly, but there are times where a few of them can appear in a day. About 5 hostdump_mem_log files appeared on Feb 1, 2021, and at least 10 appeared back in Feb 13, 2021. I have not seen any pattern regarding times and frequency of their creation.
  • The trojan virus was detected around January 2021. The earliest hostdump_mem_log file I saw in the drivers folder appeared back in October 2020.
  • On February 16, 2021, I saw that a hostdump_mem_log file was created. A wlan_memlog file was also modified at the same exact time. This wlan_memlog.log file was created in August 2020 and it looked like it was being modified everytime a hostdump_mem_log file is created. I deleted these log files after documenting them.
  • The laptop significantly moved faster after deleting them, not sure if it is related to me deleting the log files.
  • Just this morning I got a BSOD with an error code of CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED. A single hostdump_mem_log file and a wlan_memlog file was also created around the same time. Unsure as well if the BSOD and the wlan_memlog files are related as this was the first time I took notice.

I don't really know much about these files and I haven't seen anything in the internet talking about this. I'm wondering if it's some sort of logs done by Windows or Asus, or some kind of malware. Does anyone know what the wlan_memlog.log OR hostdump_mem_log.log files are?

Thank you!

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