M-I'5.Persecut ion ` harass ment at w ork

  • Thread starter imievm@bigfoot.com
  • Start date


-= harassment. at work -=

Once I stopped watching television. and listening to the radio at the end of
1990, "they" had to find other ways of committing abuses. So. they took what
must be for them a tried and tested route they get at you by. subversion of
those around you. Since they wouldn't be able. to do that with my family or
friends, that meant getting at people in. the workplace to be their
mouthpieces and do their dirty work. for them.

They. supplied my employers in Oxford with details from what was going on in
my private. life, and what I and other people had said at my home and
accommodation. in Oxford. So people at work repeated verbatim words which
had been said in my home, and repeated what I'd been doing. recently. Often
the most trivial things, the ones from your domestic. life, are the ones
which hurt most. One. manager in particular at Oxford continuously abused me
for. ten months with verbal sexual abuse, swearing, and threats to terminate
my employment. After ten months I was forced to seek psychiatric help. and
start taking medication, and was away from work for. two months. I spoke
later with a solicitor about what. had happened at that company he advised
it was. only possible to take action if you had left the company as a result
of harassment, and such an. action would have to be started very soon after

Over a year later the. same manager picked on another new worker, with even
more serious. results that employee tried to commit suicide with an
overdose as a result of. the ill-treatment, and was forced to leave his job.
But he didn't take action against the company,. either. Abuse at work is
comparable to that elsewhere in. that tangible evidence is difficult to
produce, and the abusers. will always have their denials ready when
challenged. And even if a court accepts. what you say happened, it still
remains to prove that abuse causes the type of breakdown I had. at the end
of 1992. In a recent case before a British court, a former member. of the
Army brought a case against others who had. maltreated him ten years
previously. Although the court accepted that abuse had occurred, it did. not
agree that depressive illness necessarily followed, and. denied justice to
the. plaintiff.

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