I've been getting Blue Screens for the past week. Help.


Rosen T.

It been happening at least once a day for the past week; however, today, it was somehow worse and I had it crash multiple times with attempts getting stuck and being unable to generate a dump.

I tried "chkdsk /f c:", and it said that there where no issues. I also attempted to try "sfc /scannow" as well, however, it said that it fixed an issue but I've still been recieving BSOD's.

I even attempted to reset windows; however, I got a BSOD shortly after that as well.

I've also went into my BIOS and loaded up optimized defaults and checked to make sure that I have no overclock on.

I'm still very confused on what's causing the issue. I feel that it is an hardware issue, however, I have no clue on the exact cause for the issue.

My PC has been working fine for the past year; however, it suddenly started having a series of BSOD's last week.

This is a link to the dump files that I've put in a ZIP file.

The Error Code for all of my BSOD's is a BUGCHECK_CODE: 124 (WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR), BUGCHECK_P1: 10

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, let me know if any additional information is needed.

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