File Corrupt



Hello there,

I have a windows 10 machine and currently I'm getting this error message below:

A corruption was found in a file system index structure. The file reference number is 0x9000000000009. The name of the file is "". The corrupted index attribute is ":$SII:$INDEX_ALLOCATION".

I have Also tried the follow Troubleshoot:

9:40 10:10 30mins Error code #56
- Called microsoft talked to Irin
- transfered to windows support talked to Maggie
- transered to technical support person talked to Kartik
- In order to troubleshoot they asked me to enter the PC first, however i can only enter after 1pm. Got a reference number from them and will contact back at 1pm than follow up the steps given by them.
13:45 15:00 1hour 15mins
- Called microsoft, the first call got disconnected.
- Second call got through.
- Talked to Vijay and explained the issue we are facing
- Remote in and updated BIOS from 3/6/2018 to 5/24/2019
- Install windows 10 updates.
Capture2.PNG Capture3.PNG

Made calls again to Microsoft and it gave the same respond, therefore suggested to call pax8 and we talked to Ezekeil Schmalz to get a solution on the error code. The solutions were:
- Safe Mode
- Restore Point
- Change the HDD
- Plug in as Secondary HDD
- Reset the OS
Other solutions he stated has already been tried, and the list above has more of solutions that cannot be done remotely.

Need Help Please

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