Different BSOD's for the past three months.



Hi, so, for the last three months i got constans BSOD's. They don't appear when im doing something in particular, mostly when the pc in chilling with no stress. They started one month after the pc was build and running smooth. Here are the specs:

MoBo:MSI B450A-Pro Max

CPU: R5 3600 stock

GPU: RTX 3070 eagle oc

RAM: Patriot viper steel 2x8GB 3200 MHz (with xmp and without)

PSU:Corsait Tx650m

Storage: Kingston A2000 nvme

What have i done:

Latest BIOS (came out two days ago) and drivers, fresh windows 10 like 10 times. Mem test on both sticks together and alone. PSU in OCCT, storage is one month old and it happened on my old one too (i was thinking it might be a problem with the old storage so i bought the nvme). I have tryed to update the drivers via device menager with no updates detected. Three weeks ago i sent the mobo cpu and ram to the store that i have purchesed them and they tested them for a week and didn't get any errors. Don't know what i can do more, im just loosing hope with this system. Here are links to my dump files. 682.8 KB file on MEGA

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