BSOD every 5 mins playing DSP



I have a custom built PC. Been using it for over a year now. Initially had a few BSOD and tracked it down to a faulty RAM stick. Since then I haven't had any issues.

I've recently begun playing Dyson Sphere Program and I only get BSOD errors when playing that game. I've ran chkdsk several times and I've ran the memory diagnostic tool twice. Both came out with zero errors. I've also ran driver verifier twice and it has not caused a BSOD. I've reseated my RAM - and tested each individually and I still get BSOD when playing this game.

It's downloaded through steam - so I'm not worried about it being a malware issue - and I've used Steam to verify the game's files. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game. I've added the game's application file to my antivirus safe list and it's not being blocked by my firewall. I've ran the game as an admin. I've updated every driver and even backed out the most recent windows update to see if that was the issue. I play similar games that are just as demanding with no problems. My GPU and CPU temps are fine - and I have plenty of RAM. I have an 850 watt PSU which should easily handle everything running at max capacity (which it isn't while playing this game - CPU runs around 20 percent and GPU runs around 40). I've turned off overclocking.

If I just leave my computer on and running without the game being open it does not crash. If I leave it open with another game running it does not crash.

I've uploaded a screenshot of the dmp files analyzed through BlueScreenView:


I feel like I've tried everything. Any suggestions?

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