Arc Touch Mouse (wireless) Touch Strip stops working. Bought a new one - the same issue.

  • Thread starter Alexandru CiprianCealicu
  • Start date

Alexandru CiprianCealicu

I had the amazing Arc Touch Mouse (wireless, so the original model) for a long time now, years. It worked flawlessly, yet some two weeks ago the touch strip stopped working, seemingly at random. I changed the batteries and still had the same issue. I figured, being so old, there's some electronic or mechanic issue, so I ordered a new one.

Well, I received the new one today. Surprise surprise - I have the very same issue. Usually it happens after I left click. Turning it on and off solves the issue, but I can't believe I spent 60 EURO on a NEW mouse just to have the same issue.

I've seen that this has been reported since 2013 (!!!), with NO real answer. Given that it is the same with a brand new mouse, it's not an electronic or mechanical problem, but rather some stupid setting which got installed with some random update.

And yes, of course I tried now batteries, in the old and the new mouse as well (the new mouse - tried with with the batteries that it came with as well as brand new batteries).

And yes, I have Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard center installed.

Please fix this.

OS: Windows 10 64b

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