Issues with Bluetooth functionality on Windows 10



I recently purchased a Bluetooth headset to clear up come of the cables/ports to my PC. I've run into quite a few problems with the way Bluetooth functions on Windows 10.

Up until this point, I've been able to find answers to all my questions. I have a problem when I pause a youtube video, receive a call on Discord, or use dedicated music or audio application (Spotify). As soon as the audio is finished (song ends, discord call finishes ringing, or is picked up) or is paused, all other audio stops transmitting to my Bluetooth (BT) device. The mixer shows that it is still picking up sound (on the correct playback option too) and that I should still be able to hear it. Resuming video/music allows for the other application and system sounds to continue.

At first, I thought this was an issue with my specific headset. Switched out to a different BT device and still had this problem. The next thing I thought of was maybe it's a driver issue. I researched the latest BT and Realtek Drivers for my motherboard and I did have an update, but the issue remains.

It still could very well be a driver issue, but perhaps a different one I haven't thought of yet. Another possibility is that there may be different audio drivers interfering with each other, but I don't have any proof of that. I tried disabling all the other playback devices on my computer that aren't the BT Stereo output. Still nothing.

I've found multiple Microsoft forums about this same exact issue but every thread I've seen is locked with no definitive solution. Interestingly enough, people found some solutions for specific applications, such as Disabling Media Sessions Service in chrome://flags. This action solves the problem where all audio goes silent when a youtube video is paused or ends.

Am I missing a driver? Are there some settings in the property that has to be changed? Does it have to do with the way Windows 10 separates sounds between (Hands-Free AG Audio) and (BT Stereo)? It is worth noting that I've tried disabling the (Hands- Free AG Audio) devices, but this makes no change.

I've seen some people have issues with (Hands-Free AG Audio) when using the microphone of a BT Headset, but I use a dedicated condenser microphone instead, although I do have a microphone on my headset.

Since solutions exist for specific apps regarding this issue, doesn't that signify a change can be made somewhere on the system itself to prevent the issue altogether?

The main problem I'm having is that whenever my friends call me on Discord, I answer the call, and then all of my computer audio goes silent, including the call itself. The only way I can fix it is by restarting my headset.

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