Script for quick folder access


Milen Charov

Good day everyone,

Please accept my apologies in advance if this topic have already been discussed in the forum. I couldn't find anything to help me, so I I thought to ask.

I am looking for a simple solution where a folders can be access quickly.

I am not talking for a shortcut to a folder or a access to a folder via the quick access in windows explorer.

What I have in mind is something like a floating search box on the desktop, where you can type the folder name, and base on this entity the windows explorer to open the folder location. Please note I am not asking to search for the folder name, because all folders will be in a specific locations on our company server.

All folders have unique name based on our job regester. Which is always 7 characters

For example:

Folder with a name 2550020 will be located in: S:\main job location\sub job location\folder


- main job location -is where we safe all our registered jobs. This will always be same.

- sub job location - will be a folder with a name based on range (100) of jobs names. Or 2550000-2550099

-folder name wil be the job number itself or 2550020


S:\main job location\2550000-2550099\2550020

For a folder with a name 2550256 this path shuold looks like this.

S:\main job location\2550200-2550299\2550256

What I am trying to achieve is something very similar to a hyperlink in excel to open a location based on a filename variable, but using a windows explorer instead of excel.

Looking forward for any suggestions.

Kind regards


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