My Control Panel is Missing and I can't Open Outlook Express



When the old yr left so did my Control Panel. Also, I can't get in
Outlook Express but rather am getting error messages.

Help this novice please.



"Control Panel View Options Do Not Function As Expected"

.. and, an indication of the exact wording of the error messages might have
been useful too.

HOWEVER!! - As these problems have (apparently) 'only just started', then
before you do anything else, try running System Restore and roll-back to the
last date shown, when you know things were running OK


GardenGranny" <> wrote in message
> When the old yr left so did my Control Panel. Also, I can't get in
> Outlook Express but rather am getting error messages.
> Help this novice please.
> GardenGranny


When I go to Start/Settings, I can't go any farther. There is no Control
Panel for me to click. Also, a statement is displayed "The operation has
been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please
contact your system administrator." I am the sole owner of this computer.


"Mart" wrote:

> "Control Panel View Options Do Not Function As Expected"
> .. and, an indication of the exact wording of the error messages might have
> been useful too.
> HOWEVER!! - As these problems have (apparently) 'only just started', then
> before you do anything else, try running System Restore and roll-back to the
> last date shown, when you know things were running OK
> Mart
> GardenGranny" <> wrote in message
> > When the old yr left so did my Control Panel. Also, I can't get in
> > Outlook Express but rather am getting error messages.
> >
> > Help this novice please.
> >
> >
> >
> > GardenGranny


Alan Edwards

Is Printers also not showing in Start-Settings?
If so...

If you have the Policy Editor installed and you or someone else has
set a policy to disable it, then have it removed.
If not, then use Regedit and look under here:
If you find a value-name NoSetFolders, then change its data from 01 to
00 or remove it.

(NoSetFolders with a value of 1 removes both Control Panel and
Printers from the Settings menu)

Alan Edwards, MS MVP Windows - Internet Explorer

On Thu, 3 Jan 2008 17:53:02 -0800, in
microsoft.public.windowsme.general, GardenGranny
<> wrote:

>When I go to Start/Settings, I can't go any farther. There is no Control
>Panel for me to click. Also, a statement is displayed "The operation has
>been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please
>contact your system administrator." I am the sole owner of this computer.
> Thanks.
>"Mart" wrote:
>> "Control Panel View Options Do Not Function As Expected"
>> .. and, an indication of the exact wording of the error messages might have
>> been useful too.
>> HOWEVER!! - As these problems have (apparently) 'only just started', then
>> before you do anything else, try running System Restore and roll-back to the
>> last date shown, when you know things were running OK
>> Mart
>> GardenGranny" <> wrote in message
>> > When the old yr left so did my Control Panel. Also, I can't get in
>> > Outlook Express but rather am getting error messages.
>> >
>> > Help this novice please.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > GardenGranny



Good call Alan. I wouldn't have known the appropriate key value (although
did find the KB reference to the error report :- "Err Msg: This Program
Cannot Be Run Due to Restrictions..."

However, as GardenGranny is a self confessed novice, perhaps 'poking around
the registry' is not such a good idea <g>

How she managed to get herself into this state is not quite so important as
to a 'safe' way out which, if as she asserts, occurred only very recently,
then System Restore is probably the safest option on offer.
Disclaimer! - Unless there's other stuff GardenGranny hasn't told us about!!
Note:- "The Policy Editor Tool Is Not Supported in Windows Millennium

GardenGranny, System Restore? :-

Start | Programs | Accessories | System Tools \ System Restore

Select "Restore my computer to an earlier time" then the "Next" button,
follow the screen instructions and select the last known date before "the
old yr left" when you are certain that the Control Panel was available.
Apply the "Next" button and wait for WinMe to do its thing and hopefully
when all settles down your PC should be back to normal.


"Alan Edwards" <> wrote in message
> Is Printers also not showing in Start-Settings?
> If so...
> If you have the Policy Editor installed and you or someone else has
> set a policy to disable it, then have it removed.
> If not, then use Regedit and look under here:
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer.
> If you find a value-name NoSetFolders, then change its data from 01 to
> 00 or remove it.
> (NoSetFolders with a value of 1 removes both Control Panel and
> Printers from the Settings menu)
> ...Alan
> --
> Alan Edwards, MS MVP Windows - Internet Explorer
> On Thu, 3 Jan 2008 17:53:02 -0800, in
> microsoft.public.windowsme.general, GardenGranny
> <> wrote:
>>When I go to Start/Settings, I can't go any farther. There is no Control
>>Panel for me to click. Also, a statement is displayed "The operation
>>been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please
>>contact your system administrator." I am the sole owner of this
>> Thanks.
>>"Mart" wrote:
>>> "Control Panel View Options Do Not Function As Expected"
>>> .. and, an indication of the exact wording of the error messages might
>>> have
>>> been useful too.
>>> HOWEVER!! - As these problems have (apparently) 'only just started',
>>> then
>>> before you do anything else, try running System Restore and roll-back to
>>> the
>>> last date shown, when you know things were running OK
>>> Mart
>>> GardenGranny" <> wrote in message
>>> > When the old yr left so did my Control Panel. Also, I can't get in
>>> > Outlook Express but rather am getting error messages.
>>> >
>>> > Help this novice please.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > GardenGranny


Printers is showing. I'm attempting to follow all advice but must be doing
something incorrect. Thanks to ALL for your support and expertise. Last
weedend I called Comcast, they ask me to call McAfee, Microsoft, and
Gateway, so I did. No accountability. Problem is "my outdated Widows ME".
So, how did my Control Panel disappear from settings? Also, Microsoft (in
the Phillipines) said the error messages are due to outdated windows ME.
All I need is to be able to e-mail from my Outlook Express. Again, thanks
for your patience with my lack of knowledge in this area.


"Alan Edwards" wrote:

> Is Printers also not showing in Start-Settings?
> If so...
> If you have the Policy Editor installed and you or someone else has
> set a policy to disable it, then have it removed.
> If not, then use Regedit and look under here:
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer.
> If you find a value-name NoSetFolders, then change its data from 01 to
> 00 or remove it.
> (NoSetFolders with a value of 1 removes both Control Panel and
> Printers from the Settings menu)
> ....Alan
> --
> Alan Edwards, MS MVP Windows - Internet Explorer
> On Thu, 3 Jan 2008 17:53:02 -0800, in
> microsoft.public.windowsme.general, GardenGranny
> <> wrote:
> >When I go to Start/Settings, I can't go any farther. There is no Control
> >Panel for me to click. Also, a statement is displayed "The operation has
> >been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please
> >contact your system administrator." I am the sole owner of this computer.
> > Thanks.
> >
> >
> >GardenGranny
> >
> >
> >"Mart" wrote:
> >
> >> "Control Panel View Options Do Not Function As Expected"
> >>
> >>
> >> .. and, an indication of the exact wording of the error messages might have
> >> been useful too.
> >>
> >> HOWEVER!! - As these problems have (apparently) 'only just started', then
> >> before you do anything else, try running System Restore and roll-back to the
> >> last date shown, when you know things were running OK
> >>
> >> Mart
> >>
> >>
> >> GardenGranny" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > When the old yr left so did my Control Panel. Also, I can't get in
> >> > Outlook Express but rather am getting error messages.
> >> >
> >> > Help this novice please.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> > GardenGranny
> >>
> >>
> >>



punishments which they would receive for
it, and the rest of their adventures. He gave them judges who should make
the division. He prescribed the entire form of political government which
they should observe, the cities of refuge which they should build, and...

712. The prophecies about particular things are mingled with those about the
Messiah, so that the prophecies of the Messiah should not be without proofs,
nor the special prophecies without fruit.

713. Perpetual captivity of the Jews.--Jer. 11:11: "I will bring evil upon
Judah from which they shall not be able to escape."

Types.--Is. 5: "The Lord had a vineyard, from which He looked for grapes
and it brought forth only wild grapes. I will therefore lay it waste, and
destroy it the earth shall only bring forth thorns, and I will forbid the
clouds from raining upon it. The vineyard of the Lord is the house of
Israel, and the men of Judah His pleasant plant. I looked that they should
do justice, and they bring forth only iniquities."

Is. 8: "Sanctify the Lord with fear and trembling let Him be your only
dread, and He shall be to you for a sanctuary, but for a stone of stumbling
and a rock of offence to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a
snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and many among them shall stumble
against that stone, and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and perish. Hide
my words, and cover my law for my disciples.

"I will then wait in patience upon the Lord that hideth and concealeth
Himself from the house of Jacob."

Is. 29: "Be amazed and wonder, people of Israel stagger and stumble, and be
drunken, but not with wine stagger, but not with strong drink. For the Lord
hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep. He will close your eyes
He will cover your princes and your

Alan Edwards

persons destitute of faith and grace, who, seeking with all
their light whatever they see in nature that can bring them to this
knowledge, find only obscurity and darkness to tell them that they have
only to look at the smallest things which surround them, and they will see
God openly, to give them, as a complete proof of this great and important
matter, the course of the moon and planets, and to claim to have concluded
the proof with such an argument, is to give them ground for believing that
the proofs of our religion are very weak. And I see by reason and experience
that nothing is more calculated to arouse their contempt.

It is not after this manner that Scripture speaks, which has a better
knowledge of the things that are of God. It says, on the contrary, that God
is a hidden God, and that, since the corruption of nature, He has left men
in a darkness from which they can escape only through Jesus Christ, without
whom all communion with God is cut off. Nemo novit Patrem, nisi Filius, et
cui voluerit Filius revelare.30

This is what Scripture points out to us, when it says in so many places that
those who seek God find Him. It is not of that light, "like the noonday
sun," that this is said. We do not say that those who seek the noonday sun,
or water in the sea, shall find them and hence the evidence of God must not
be of this nature. So it tells us elsewhere: Vere tu es Deus absconditus


"Suffer bodily chains and servitude, I deliver thee at present only from
spiritual servitude.

"I am more a friend to thee than such and such an one, for I have done for
thee more then they they would not have suffered what I have suffered from
thee, and they would not have died for thee as I have done in the time of
thine infidelities and cruelties, and as I am ready to do, and do, among My
elect and at the Holy Sacrament."

"If thou knewest thy sins, thou wouldst lose heart."

I shall lose it then, Lord, for on Thy assurance I believe their malice.

"No, for I, by whom thou learnest, can heal thee of them, and what I say to
thee is a sign that I will heal thee. In proportion to thy expiation of
them, thou wilt know them, and it will be said to thee: 'Behold thy sins are
forgiven thee.' Repent, then, for thy hidden sins, and for the secret malice
of those which thou knowest."

Lord, I give Thee all.

"I love thee more ardently than thou hast loved thine abominations, ut
immundus pro luto.

"To Me be the glory, not to thee, worm of the earth.

"Ask thy confessor, when My own words are to thee occasion of evil, vanity,
or curiosity."

I see in me depths of pride, curiosity, and lust. There is no relation
between me and God, nor Jesus Christ the Righteous. But H


elect, I have called
thee by thy name."

Is. 45:21: "Come and let us reason together. Who hath declared this from
ancient time? Who hath told it from that time? Have not I, the Lord?"

Is. 46: "Remember the former things of old, and know there is none like me,
declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that
are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my

Is. 42: "Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I
declare before they spring forth I tell you of them."

Is. 48:3: "I have declared the former things from the beginning I did them
suddenly and they came to pass. Because I know that thou art obstinate,
that thy spirit is rebellious, and thy brow brass I have even declared it
to thee before it came to pass: lest thou shouldst say that it was the work
of thy gods, and the effect of their commands.

"Thou hast seen all this and will not ye declare it? I have shewed thee new
things from this time, even hidden things, and thou didst not know them.
They are created now, and not from the beginning I have kept them hidden
from thee lest thou shouldst say, Behold, I knew them.

"Yea, thou knewest not yea, thou heardest not yea, from that time that


rock whence ye are hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye
are digged. Look unto Abraham, your father, and unto Sarah that bare you:
for I called him alone, when childless, and increased him. Behold, I have
comforted Zion, and heaped upon her blessings and consolations.

"Hearken unto me, my people, and give ear unto me for a law shall proceed
from me, and I will make my judgment to rest for a light of the Gentiles."

Amos viii. The prophet, having enumerated the sins of Israel, said that God
had sworn to take vengeance on them.

He says this: "And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord, that I
will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the
clear day and I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs
into lamentation.

"You all shall have sorrow and suffering, and I will make this nation mourn
as for an only son, and the end therefore as a bitter day. Behold, the days
come, saith the Lord, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of
bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord. And
they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east they
shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it.

"In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst. They
that have followed the idols of Samaria, and sworn by the god of Dan, and
followed the manner of Beersheba, shall fall, and never rise up again."

Amos 3:2: "Ye only have I known of all the families of the earth for my

Daniel 12:7. Having described all the extent of the reign of the Messiah, he
says: "All these things shall be finished, when the scattering of the people
of Israel shall be accomplished."

Haggai 2:4: "Ye who, compari


God. They all strive to make us believe in Him. David,
Solomon, etc., have never said, "There is no void, therefore there is a
God." They must have had more knowledge than the most learned people who
came after them, and who have all made use of this argument. This is worthy
of attention.

244. "Why! Do you not say yourself that the heavens and birds prove God?"
No. "And does your religion not say so"? No. For although it is true in a
sense for some souls to whom God gives this light, yet it is false with
respect to the majority of men.

245. There are three sources of belief: reason, custom, inspiration. The
Christian religion, which alone has reason, does not acknowledge as her true
children those who believe without inspiration. It is not that she excludes
reason and custom. On the contrary, the mind must be opened to proofs, must
be confirmed by custom and offer itself in humbleness to inspirations, which
alone can produce a true and saving effect. Ne evacuetur crux Christi.32

246. Order.--After the letter That we ought to seek God, to write the letter
On removing obstacles, which is the discourse on "the machine," on preparing
the machine, on seeking by reason.

247. Order.--A letter of exhortation to a friend to induce him to seek. And
he will reply, "But what is the use of seeking? Nothing is seen." Then to
reply to him, "Do not despair." And he will answer that he would be glad to
find some light, but that, according to this very religion, if he believed
in it, it will be of no use t


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