
After playing for a few minutes this error started to happen ........ I already formatted ..... I installed the drives manually ........ and the same problem continues

How can I solve this problem?

BlueScreenView repor

Dump File : 030221-5343-01.dmp

Crash Time : 02/03/2021 18:23:29

Bug Check String : Bug Check Code : 0x00000133 Parameter 1 : 00000000`00000001

Parameter 2 : 00000000`00001e00

Parameter 3 : fffff800`13cfb320

Parameter 4 : 00000000`00000000

Caused By Driver : ntoskrnl.exe Caused By Address : ntoskrnl.exe+3f5c20

File Description : Product Name : Company : File Version : Processor : x64 Crash Address : ntoskrnl.exe+3f5c20

Stack Address 1 :

Stack Address 2 : Stack Address 3 : Computer Name : Full Path : C:\Windows\Minidump\030221-5343-01.dmp

Processors Count : 20

Major Version : 15 Minor Version : 19041

Dump File Size : 7.676.028

Dump File Time : 02/03/2021 18:23:58

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