BSODs and Signal lost errors. Help!




Over the past 5 months I have been experiencing intermittant BSOD which have gradually increased in frequency leading up to this post. Followed by a newer signal lost error blackscreen.

Context: this PC is a prebuild that was bought online, which has lead me to believing it could be a potential hardware issue.

The PC specs:

Windows 10 Home edition.

AMD Ryzen 7 2700 with standard CPU cooler.
Nvidia GTX 1070
Corsair 2x8gb 3600mhz RAM
Unbranded 2x8gb 2400mhz RAM
Unbranded 600w 80+ Gold PSU
Seagate 250gb SSD
Barracuda 1TB HD

The BSODs are of two main codes (there has been the odd different one over time but never persistent.)

Stop Code: Critical_Process_Died
What failed: None given.

Stop code: Kernel_Data_Inpage_Error
What failed: Vid.sys

*I will post any error logs from the last 24 hours as soon as I get home.*

Steps I have tried:
- Ran virus and malware scans.
- System check using cmd sfc /scannow (cannot remember and do not have results anymore but I can do another to provide asap.)
- Installed DDU and uninstalled all display drivers
- Reinstalled drivers from manufacturers website.
Still no fix.
- Windows restore to earlier date. BSOD happened after four days.
- Clean OS installation from newly created USB Flash Drive.

Seemes fine for a while, so I updated all drivers and downloaded games. BSOD Happened again.

So with a new fresh install I concluded it must be hardware. I repeated all my previous checks and then ran some hardware checkers and RAM checker both came back fine. However, I didn't trust it, so:

- I swapped all 32gb of ram out for 2x8gb Corsair 3600 mhz from my brothers PC. BSOD occurred. I returned the old ram to the system.
- I took out the hard drives and replaced them with working ones from my brothers PC. BSOD still occurred. I returned my old hard/ssd back to the system.
- I bought a brand new motherboard and upgraded the motherboard then updated all drivers. BSOD still occurred.
- I ran DDU and replaced my 1070 with my brothers 2070 super and installed all manufacturers drivers. BSOD happened.
- I reversed the process and returned my 1070 GPU to the system. BSOD happened.

At this point the BSODs became less frequent, however, I began to experience almost immediate "signal lost" blackscreen on all three monitors followed by the pc shutting itself down.

- I had forgotten to uninstall the 2070 gpu driver's and reinstall the 1070 ones, using DDU and driver repair. So I did exactly that.

BSOD happened. Followed by multiple instances of the signal lost sceeen every time I tried to play any game.

I checked all the temperatures and all are fine, but I upgraded the cpu fan to a cooler heatsink anyways.

I read online that power failure can cause signal lost errors, and so I replaced the PSU and all associated cables (GPU, Mb, CPU, sata etc). When doing so I noticed the 2 pin male molex that comes from the power switch area has a loose prong, is this something that could cause this and I should replace? As currently it is connected to my new molex cable.

Signal errors keep happening, but now I cannot trigger them and as such if i get a tech guy in i cannot be sure it will replicate (plus covid reasons), and the same BSOD every now and again however much less frequently. When the signal error happens, i also lose sound and ALL peripherals including camera, headset, mic, monitors and keyboard.

I have just about given up, considering im an aspiring streamer whos pc keeps crashing and it's driving me mad. It is not isolated to when only streaming as the same errors and crashes occur when streaming is inactive and the apps are not open.

In total I have replaced/substituted just about every single hardware component besides the CPU and the case itself all of the upgrades were to better/newer hardware and the PC is NOT overclocked.

What are the chances of it being CPU related? Even if hardware checking programs tell me that the all cores are running fine?

Am I missing something blatantly obvious?

Thank you for your time in reading my essay!

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