How to sort folders within other folders in file explorer without ripping my head off??



I don't know much about computers but I will try to be clear as possible. I need empty folders in a specific order before I start working on them and files explorer kept making it alphabetically ordered. I read something about turning "Auto Arrange" off but I did not have that option under the "view" tab. I did see the "sort by" selection and I tried both sort by "date created" & "Author" then restarted making new folders and titling them how I need. Also tried to just retype the folders that files explorer messed up the order of, but no matter what I do the software either reorders it as I am naming them or I finally get it in ordered then it resets if I click out and back into it. Anyone know how I could easily arrange these folders how I want and keep it permanently like that?? thank you

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