Something happened and your pin isn't available.



before linking me some answers posts already done in the past listen, this is what happened and what i tried.

i have a really slow computer first of all, so i thought that maybe it was because i never update windows since im used to thing "what if it brakes my computer instead of improving it??" but i don't know i was chilled and i just made all the downloads, also the "not mandatory" ones.

i started to download but sometimes i didn't ser the download actually proceeding, so for a check i stopped the wifi just to see if it was my computer that was lagging even in the settings i don't know, and everything appeared again on the update section and i did it a couple of times, after since it was taking too long for the updates and the settings menu was saying that it was required to reboot even if stuff was downloading i just clicked, but before that i decided something more, i came up with the idea "i mean i want to speed up my computer maybe updates won't be enough." so i went trough the system properties the msconfig and at the boot i selected the "diagnostic startup" also i thought that since i only have 1 installed processor inside a computer that have 4 spaces for that and it only uses 1 i thought it would be a nice idea to bring it back the number of processors or cores back to 1 since i changed it in 2020 to 4 at boot advanced option njmber of processors, i also turned off the wifi before the reboot to see if the update was ready since it won't load the update screen when it is on.

So after the reboot for the update i tried to log in but it appears "Something happened and your pin isn't available." i tried to click the "sign-in" option that appears below the text, but nothing happens.

so this is what happened now this is what i tried.

i tried to see if in the bios there was some option maybe to change the boot stuff i set before the reboot like the "diagnostic boot" maybe by doing that it didn't load the stuff i don't know.

nothing on the bios worked iand i searched the use of every option there but nothing, you can't even reset the computer or change something more than date and time and thing before the actual boot, main, security and boot on the bios does not nothing on what i need. so i searched for something else.

i found a post on the answer microsoft thing and i found something that could help, so i restarted the computer in recovery mode by force booting while load screen is there, after the recovery mode appears it says "windows it was not loaded correctly, so i clicked the "see advanced option" and then "troubleshooting" and clicked advanced options.

those would have been great if I could start them, the fun? i can't, the ALL ask for the password aka pin that i doesn't work, like I'm trying to troubleshoot because my pin won't load at all and it asks for the pin to troubleshoot. yeah.

after some time playing around with my kinda broken windows at the login screen i noticed that at the shutdown icon there are more opinions. there are also the "shutdown and update" and the same for the reboot, but when i tried to click the reboot and update, when i look back again at the icon the update option is still there, same for the shutdown i tried too.

so my guess is that THE UPDATES that i never download, for the fear to have broken or corrupted updates or i don't know something like that that goes wrong with the update breaks the computer, are the things that actually make my pin not loading or unavailable.

after that discovery i quickly went again to recovery mode and saw the uninstall updates option, the problem is: it asks for the pin that is broken because of the update.

so first of all i dont have the money for external stuff like buying an usb recovery thing or something like that, any guess on how can i uninstall the updates or just reinstall windows? also im looking right now on the "restore system disk" i don't know how it works ok nevermind it asks too for the broken pin, hope you are going to be able to help me and i hope i helped Microsoft in some way to discover some bugs or stuff with my details and story telling skills about this idk

i also think that this question cover more than one topic not only sing-in but upgrades and system failure

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