Screen Orange on one login -- it's not Night Light



Hi Everyone,

I did some research on this site but couldn't find an answer to my question.

I have two desktop logins to my Dell XPS 9550 -- two users. Logging in one produces a nice, normal laptop screen. Logging in the other produces an orange laptop screen. It's not night light -- night light is off. (If I turn on night light, the screen becomes even more orange.)

All drivers are fully updated, Windows 10 pro is fully updated. Very clean build with no extra software really. Virus scans show nothing. Well-kept machine with no obvious physical problems.

The only other bizarre behavior is when I close the laptop lid, the instruction is "sleep" in the control panels. But when I come back, the battery might be drained as if the computer were on. (I could make a separate post about this.)

Anyway, back to the orange -- because the computer works fine in the other login, I figure this is some kind of software issue, but poking around has not helped me.

Any ideas? Many thanks in advance,


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