Upgrading failing: Some updates files are missing or have problems... Error code: (0x80070003)


Alexander Rojas P

I've been having this problem since I noticed the message saying that the windows version I am running is nearing the end of service (I am running 1809) which is weird since I always run windows update.

What I have tried which runs without errors (which didn't solved the underlying issue):

  1. Windows Update Troubleshooter.
  2. Ran `chkdsk /f`
  3. Ran `DISM /Online /RestoreHealth /Cleanup-Image /LimitAccess`
  4. Reset the Windows Update Components.
  5. Ran `ICACLS C:\Windows\winsxs`
  6. I ran System Configuration and dissabled all none windows services and disabled all startup files and attempted all the steps with a minimal windows.

What hasn't work:

  1. `sfc /scannow` always fails at 75% with a message saying that the "request operation could not be run."
  2. Trying an upgrade with the Media Creation Tool always fails with: "Sorry, we're having trouble determining if your PC can run Windows 10. Please close Setup and try again."
  3. System configuration does not allows me to do a safe boot or indeed modify anything boot related.

I sadly never made an image of windows when it worked, so I cannot use `/Source` option of `DISM`.

`Get-WindowsUpdateLog` from PowerShell also shows the following failures:

[COLOR=rgba(171, 178, 191, 1)]DataStore Failed to find update with global id of [/COLOR][COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]98F68623-32D0-4DFA-A8B2-CC93BE27A9DB[/COLOR][COLOR=rgba(171, 178, 191, 1)].[/COLOR][COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]1[/COLOR][COLOR=rgba(171, 178, 191, 1)] (sessiondata = ([/COLOR][COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]null[/COLOR][COLOR=rgba(171, 178, 191, 1)]))

DownloadManager No locked revisions found for update [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]98F68623-32D0-4DFA-A8B2-CC93BE27A9DB[/COLOR].[COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]1[/COLOR] (SessionData = ([COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]null[/COLOR])); locking the user-specified revision.

DataStore Failed to find update with global id of [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]98F68623-32D0-4DFA-A8B2-CC93BE27A9DB[/COLOR].[COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]1[/COLOR] (sessiondata = ([COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]null[/COLOR]))

DataStore Failed to find update with global id of [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]09C667D7-B4E2-4BF8-B6D4-9BA3EE23ED29[/COLOR].[COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]1[/COLOR] (sessiondata = ([COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]null[/COLOR]))

DownloadManager No locked revisions found for update [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]09C667D7-B4E2-4BF8-B6D4-9BA3EE23ED29[/COLOR].[COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]1[/COLOR] (SessionData = ([COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]null[/COLOR])); locking the user-specified revision.

DataStore Failed to find update with global id of [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]09C667D7-B4E2-4BF8-B6D4-9BA3EE23ED29[/COLOR].[COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]1[/COLOR] (sessiondata = ([COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]null[/COLOR]))

DownloadManager Regulation Refresh Svc: {[COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]855E8A7C-ECB4-4CA3-B045-1DFA50104289[/COLOR]}

DownloadManager Contacting regulation server for [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]8[/COLOR] updates.

IdleTimer WU operation (Regulator Refresh) started; operation # [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]390[/COLOR]; does use network; is at background priority

SLS Get response for service [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]855E8A7C-ECB4-4CA3-B045-1DFA50104289[/COLOR] - forceExpire[False] asyncRefreshOnExpiry[False]

Misc Got [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]855E8A7C-ECB4-4CA3-B045-1DFA50104289[/COLOR] redir Regulation (Enhanced) URL: [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]https://tsfe.trafficshaping.dsp.mp....ntentRegulationV2.asmx[/COLOR][COLOR=rgba(152, 195, 121, 1)]""[/COLOR]

DownloadManager Regulation (Enhanced) server path: [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]https://tsfe.trafficshaping.dsp.mp.microsoft.com/TrafficShaping/ContentRegulationV2.asmx[/COLOR].

SLS Get response for service [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]855E8A7C-ECB4-4CA3-B045-1DFA50104289[/COLOR] - forceExpire[False] asyncRefreshOnExpiry[False]

WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.

Handler {[COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]C8B898B5-35B8-49A6-9F3B-7E888DC6C4FE[/COLOR]} deployment completed: Status: Completed, HR: 0x00000000, Extended HR: 0x00000000

DownloadManager Subscribing to GDR Retry due to async handler trigger.

IdleTimer WU operation (Regulator Refresh, operation # [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]390[/COLOR]) stopped; does use network; is at background priority

DownloadManager Refresh Interval: [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]66[/COLOR]

DownloadManager Global CDN property: ([COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]null[/COLOR])

DownloadManager Low: [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]10000[/COLOR]

DownloadManager Normal: [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]10000[/COLOR]

DownloadManager High: [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]10000[/COLOR]

DownloadManager Per-Update: [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]71DC9C00-3291-4B01-AF34-A690105D1471[/COLOR] CDN prefix [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]3[/COLOR]

DownloadManager Per-Update: [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]55BF2605-6276-48BC-810D-7D0BFA33600F[/COLOR] CDN prefix [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]2[/COLOR]

DownloadManager Per-Update: [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]98F68623-32D0-4DFA-A8B2-CC93BE27A9DB[/COLOR] CDN prefix [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]2[/COLOR]

DownloadManager Per-Update: [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]0F9A6230-7DB6-4052-932D-2F10D185C73B[/COLOR] CDN prefix [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]2[/COLOR]

DownloadManager Per-Update: [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]6E5DDFAD-2255-4276-B902-B1C2ABC32D33[/COLOR] CDN prefix [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]11[/COLOR]

DownloadManager Per-Update: [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]C8B898B5-35B8-49A6-9F3B-7E888DC6C4FE[/COLOR] CDN prefix [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]2[/COLOR]

DownloadManager Per-Update: [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]09C667D7-B4E2-4BF8-B6D4-9BA3EE23ED29[/COLOR] CDN prefix [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]2[/COLOR]

DownloadManager Per-Update: [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]14885CFA-F35E-4C76-94F4-9D0415A6CFE0[/COLOR] CDN prefix [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]3[/COLOR]

Agent Adding timer:

Agent Timer: [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]855E8A7C-ECB4-4CA3-B045-1DFA50104289[/COLOR], Expires [COLOR=rgba(127, 132, 142, 1)]2021-03-09[/COLOR] [COLOR=rgba(127, 132, 142, 1)]15:47:10[/COLOR], not idle-only, network-only

DownloadManager Regulation call complete

DownloadManager Handler ([COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]9[/COLOR]) for update [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]09C667D7-B4E2-4BF8-B6D4-9BA3EE23ED29[/COLOR] selected volume id: \\?\Volume{[COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]d4120d29-0000-0000-0000-100000000000[/COLOR]}\[COLOR=rgba(152, 195, 121, 1)]""[/COLOR]

DownloadManager Setting the target volume for update [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]09C667D7-B4E2-4BF8-B6D4-9BA3EE23ED29[/COLOR].[COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]1[/COLOR] to \\?\Volume{[COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]d4120d29-0000-0000-0000-100000000000[/COLOR]}\[COLOR=rgba(152, 195, 121, 1)]""[/COLOR]

SLS Get response for service [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77[/COLOR] - forceExpire[False] asyncRefreshOnExpiry[False]

SLS Get response for service [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77[/COLOR] - forceExpire[False] asyncRefreshOnExpiry[False]

SLS Get response for service [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77[/COLOR] - forceExpire[False] asyncRefreshOnExpiry[False]

Misc Set CDN prefix to [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]3[/COLOR]

DownloadManager Update the URLs for DO Job [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]76ECFDA6-4EFF-403F-85DE-AA7964E1A054[/COLOR] - Update [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]0F9A6230-7DB6-4052-932D-2F10D185C73B[/COLOR].[COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]1[/COLOR]

DownloadManager [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]0[/COLOR] of [COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]1[/COLOR] files' URLs are updated.

[COLOR=rgba(171, 178, 191, 1)]DownloadManager Download job [/COLOR][COLOR=rgba(209, 154, 102, 1)]76ECFDA6-4EFF-403F-85DE-AA7964E1A054[/COLOR][COLOR=rgba(171, 178, 191, 1)] resumed.[/COLOR]

There are also a lot of these entries:

[COLOR=rgba(171, 178, 191, 1)]DownloadManager *FAILED* [8024000C] DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refresh complete[/COLOR]

At this moment I am totally out of ideas.


While trying to crosspost this in another forum I was pointed to the SetupDiag tool. Running it show me the following message:

Error: SetupDiag reports abrupt down-level failure.

Last Operation: Finalize

Error: 0x80070003 - 0x40008

LogEntry: 2021-03-10 11:17:55, Error CONX CHostIsUEFICompliantChecker failed. [Failed to check whether host has UEFI disk layout.] HRESULT = 0x80070003.

I used to have a dual boot linux windows layout and my UEFI partition is not in the same drive as C:, so I assume this is causing all this problems. Upgrades seem to have started when I had this dual boot.

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