Weird printing, Half the pages are printed in White and separated. Searched everywhere and I can't find any thing like it, Please help



I have spent hours on this and I have searched and searched online but I can't find anyone or anything like the issue my windows is having.

Half the pages are printed in White and separated.

This happens ONLY if I have pictures such as a shipping labels and I right click and select Print.

IF i open the picture or the label individually thru any app such as windows photos or any other app and print them one by one thru the App, they print normally.

The problem seems to be a setting on windows and Photos app, because if I change the Default Open app to view pictures to "paint" the prints are then normal.

but I tried other apps like windows photos, windows picture viewer and two other third party apps and the issue consists.

this happens on Every printer.

Print Preview is fine.

printing thru any other app like Excel or office are all fine.

I have tried storing windows a day or two, it was fixed for a couple of minutes and it's again the same issue. I am not sure what else I could do, I need some expert help here.

First picture before is how the page is, and second picture is what is actually printed.



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