Moving My Music folder from C to D drive in Win 10?



I just got a new computer and am now moving files from the old computer that was 5 years old to an Acer Predator. I am not a Gamer but do like the responsiveness of a gaming computer. So now I have a few questions and I would appreciate everyone's expertise:

1 How do I move My Music and My Documents folder from the default setting in C drive to D drive? C is SSD and the D is HDD and much bigger. I have 10,000 songs in the music folder. I also have a LOT of photos. Sadly, I already loaded my music to the C drive so now I have to move it to the D drive but want to avoid that unnecessary step with photo folder.

And when I do, will my music player automatically find it to play my music. The same concern for my documents. Is there some place where I tell the computer where to look for my music / documents automatically?

2 What is the current free music player that everyone favors now? I have always used Windows Media Player but I believe that is now obsolete? The computer comes with Groove and Spotify- haven't tried either of them yet. I'm not one to download or purchase music.

3 I updated the computer and it seems the many (all?) updates were automatically put in My Downloads- it seems like its taking a lot of memory also- can or SHOULD I also move them to the D?

Thats it for now, and thanks for the guidance!

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